Use Lemons In These 11 Amazing Ways

Did you know that lemons can be the perfect help for your dishes when you are struggling to get rid of solidified fat? Mix both to get rid of these leftovers effortlessly.
Use lemons in these 11 amazing ways

Lemon has an endless list of properties. Use lemons in these 11 useful ways for different activities in your daily life.

Stay tuned and do not miss the abilities of this amazing fruit.

1. Lose weight with lemon

Lemon, measuring tape and dumbbells

Mix lemon with water as an alternative to sodas and other unhealthy snacks. That way, lemons can help you lose weight as it provides the flavor and variety you might be missing from unhealthy foods and beverages.

2. Strengthen the immune system

Thanks to its antibacterial properties and its vitamin C content, lemon helps increase your defenses and fight free radicals. So use lemons to boost your immune system.

3. Deodorant for the refrigerator

Filled refrigerator

If there is a food that gives off a bad odor in your refrigerator, then do not complicate things.

  • You just have to take the food out. Then soften a cotton ball in a little lemon juice.
  • Let it stand for a few hours. The citrus air will clean the environment.

4. Air purifier

This does not just make your home odorless. With a simple air purifier, you can also use lemons to neutralize and disinfect the environment.

Below we will show you a recipe. Besides being lightweight, it is very inexpensive to make.


  • 1 lemon
  • 3 cups of water
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar
  • 4 tablespoons baking soda


  • Boil the lemon peels in the water.
  • Add vinegar and let it cook for 5 minutes.
  • Remove it from the heat. Wait for it to cool.
  • Put baking soda in a spray bottle and add the rest of the mixture.
  • Shake and spray your entire house.

Note : You can add other essential oils like vanilla, or add rosemary, mint or thyme before boiling the water to strengthen the smell.

5. Disinfectant


Citric acid in lemon gives you a  powerful antibacterial agent. Use lemons to remove bacteria.

Together with baking soda, they create a perfect pair for a natural disinfectant.


2 lemons squeezed
1 tbsp baking soda


  • In a tub, mix the juice from the two lemons and baking soda.
  • With a sponge, wipe this mixture over areas that accumulated dirt.

6. Clean your microwave

This electrical appliance is one of the ones that accumulates the most fat. And it is one of the most difficult to clean.

Because of this, you can use lemons as an excellent aid.

What should you do?

  • Pour a cup of lemon juice into a microwave safe container.
  • Put this in the microwave. Then program the microwave on a 5-minute cycle.
  • By doing this, you get the  steam coming from the juice to remove grease and dirt in the microwave. This makes it easier to clean.

7. Get rid of odor from your cutting board with lemon


Often, no matter how often you wash your cutting board, the unpleasant odor remains.

This is normal. This is because it is constantly in contact with strong foods like onions, garlic and others.

What should you do?

  • Use the lemon by rubbing half of the fruit on the board. Let it work for a few hours.
  • Then wash it off with soap and water.

8. It gets rid of bad odors on your hands.

Onions, garlic and fish are foods that leave the odor on your hands when you touch them.

So you do not spread this odor to other ingredients, rub your hands on half of a lemon. Afterwards, wash your hands with soap and water.

9. Grease remover

Grease remover

This ingredient is used in many dishwashing detergents due to its degreasing properties.

What should you do?

  • If you leave your dishes for too long, the fat will be embedded in your plates. If this happens, place a cup of lemon juice in a bowl.
  • Soften a sponge with lemon juice. Then add a little bit of dish soap.
  • Rub the mixture on the dirty plate and there you have it.

10. Keep your fruits from turning brown

This has happened to everyone. You cut an apple in half. You keep one of the delicious pieces for later. But when you want to eat it, it is completely brown.

The same thing happens with avocados and other fruits as well as vegetables.

What should you do?

  • To prevent this , use lemon by rubbing a little lemon juice on the other fruit.
  • Its antioxidant power helps you keep them in good condition.

11. Stain remover for clothes

Stain remover - use lemons

Lemon is a help to get rid of stains on your clothes. This includes those caused by sweat, deodorants, grease, wine, coffee or food.


  • ½ cup lemon juice
  • Detergent (the right thing for your clothes)


  • In a good container, mix the lemon juice with a little of the detergent.
  • Rub this on the stain for a few minutes. Let it work for a few hours and wash it as usual.

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