5 Steps To Program Your Subconscious

By controlling the migration of your thoughts, and using invigorating mantras, you can program your subconscious.
5 steps to program your subconscious

You can not control your subconscious, but you can teach it to guide you through your intuition, and live fully in the present. By controlling the migration of your thoughts, and using invigorating mantras, you can program your subconscious.

When we hear the word “subconscious”, many of us immediately think of psychoanalysis. The idea that we are controlled by everything that lies beneath the surface of our consciousness also emerges. But what you may not know is that you can program your subconscious.

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Your subconscious mind  acts as an engine for many of the things you do. It controls our daily reactions and the way we treat other people.

For example, when we meet someone we do not know, it does not take us very long to assess whether we like them or not. If we go down some stairs and overlook a step, then we usually react in a split second, and regain balance.

There are many things we do completely automatically, and many things  we take a stand on, without analyzing or thinking further about them. On the whole, large parts of our behavior are governed by this subconscious structure.

But what if we tell you that there is a way into this black box in the mind. A path that lets you get to know it better, and even control it?

Doing this would be a great way to  act with greater confidence, and less fear. The result is that we can make ourselves more free and happy.

Your subconscious is the pilot of your mind

Nothing you find in your subconscious is random or random. Your subconscious mind hides the essence of everything you have experienced, seen and felt.

It is like a kind of mess drawer, where the compass of your being and everything that has happened to you is kept.

Everything you have experienced and gone through leaves  an emotional trace, depending on how it has been processed. Therefore, you construct certain associations, correct or not, based on things you have experienced:

“People who look me in the eye are believable, because my mother looked at me like that.” “Men who avoid looking at someone when they talk to someone are dangerous, because my first boyfriend did, and he really hurt me.”

That way, everything you have experienced leaves a trail in your subconscious. So  you are probably interpreting your reality based on the information you have stored.

Your subconscious mind allows you to  react quickly when there is no time to think about things.

There are many things it can influence, for example:  “Should I say yes to this job offer?”, “Is it a good idea to give my phone number to my new friend?”, “Which way should I drive, left or right?”

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Programming Your Subconscious: Benefits

There are benefits to programming your subconscious mind

There can be many reasons why you want to program your subconscious:

  • To get to know yourself better.
  • To correct bad things like smoking, stress, anxiety, depression, lack of confidence.
  • To create a reality that better suits your desires.

Deciding to program your subconscious mind can help you  become the person you sincerely want to be.

You need to know this before you start programming your subconscious

Clearly, no one can change the decor of their home if they do not know what is in the house from the start.

The most common situation is that there are rooms that have not seen the light of day for a long time. These are places where  your fears and limiting thoughts are hidden. They are also the ones that keep you from being happy.

It is therefore important  to know the problem areas in your subconscious so that you can treat them. Only then will you be ready to direct them in the direction of well-being and desire for action.

To get there, you have to do as described below, and achieve really good results.

Learn to connect with your subconscious

Follow these steps and achieve results
  • Pay attention to your intuition. Inferences are actually messages that your subconscious sends to your consciousness. They are therefore small information that can give you an idea of ​​what is hidden inside and what you are trying to tell yourself.
  • Before a dream diary. Put a notepad on your bedside table and write about all your dreams. Do it as soon as you wake up before you forget them. try analyzing them later and ask yourself what the dream might mean. You can also seek out a professional dream interpreter.
  • Perform meditation. Find a quiet moment in the day and use it on this healthy exercise. Think of it as half an hour where you can sense yourself, but do not stress over it with half an hour. Start with 5 minutes and see where it takes you.
  • Paint mandalas. It is a method of focusing on the here and now so that you can get in touch with yourself.
  • Make a personal journal. Write down your thoughts, memories, and your feelings. It’s a perfect way to create a literary structure that lets your core and a bit of your subconscious mind look ahead.

How to program your subconscious in 5 steps

It is important to work on the previous step, self-discovery, before moving on to this phase.

It is only when you have found your weaknesses that you can begin this process of changing the interior. In addition, you need a direct approach if you choose to program your subconscious.

You need to remember one important thing: Be persistent. These exercises should be practiced every day, so be patient. The changes do not happen in a week or a month.

1. Visualize

Practice visualization every day. Imagine yourself in a car. You’re in the driver’s seat, you’re holding the steering wheel, and you know exactly where you’re going.

  • You feel a pleasant breeze on your forehead, and see a soothing sunrise on the horizon. It fills you with hope.
  • That point on the horizon is where your goals are. You drive confidently towards it, without fear. Nobody stops you.

Use positive affirmations that strengthen you

First, find phrases or mantras that work for you. “I deserve to be happy and nothing can stop me. My worst enemies are in my head, and I have already beaten them ”.

Then you need to repeat these affirmations often,  especially when you go to sleep.

3. Live in the now

Stay connected to what is happening at the moment.

If you turn your attention to the past or the future, your subconscious will fail you. This is because the  doors of opportunity open in what is happening now and here.

4. Do one thing at a time

Avoid multitasking. The stress that comes with doing 100 things at once will grow into a monster for your inner peace.

Learn that  with every thing you do in the moment. This is where you should focus all your energy.

5. Stop wandering thoughts

Learn to control your thoughts

All in all, you have three overall goals in mind:  to be happy, to be yourself, and to become the person you truly want to be.

Do you know who can stop you from getting there? You, with your wandering thoughts. Never again should you think,  “I can not, for it has gone wrong before,” or “I dare not, for I will certainly disappoint someone.”

Keep track of your thoughts, and embrace  a more confident, mature, and strong subconscious  that takes you where you want to be: a world of complete serenity and happiness.

Top image please from WikiHow.com

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