That’s Why You Have Bags Under Your Eyes, And How To Treat Them Naturally

Many people think that we only get bags under the eyes when we are tired, but they can also be due to deficiencies in, for example, our diet. Here you can read more about why the bags occur and how you can treat them naturally.
That's why you have bags under your eyes, and how to treat them naturally

Bags under the eyes can make you look sick and tired.

But where do they come from and how can you prevent them?

Bags under the eyes are more than just a matter of appearance. They are also an indicator of how well your organs are functioning.

Here we are talking about two different kinds of bags under the eyes. We also get into how to treat them naturally.

Make your face more beautiful and improve your health at the same time!

That’s why you have bags under your eyes

Do you have swollen bags under your eyes, or are they darker circles?

First of all, you will need to decide if your bags are swollen or not. Sometimes there is no swelling, only a dark color.

This is because it can affect what treatment you need. But fortunately, there are also some remedies that help on both kinds. We will discuss this in more detail at the end of the article.

It is also important to determine if the bags are permanent or if they only come on certain days. Do you get them, for example, after eating fatty foods or drinking too much alcohol?

Be aware of when they occur. It will help you prevent them and treat them properly.

Swollen bags under your eyes

If the bags look swollen and your eyelids are also swollen, then it is probably a problem with fluid retention and thus improperly functioning kidneys.

It can happen occasionally, such as after eating an extra salty dinner or chronically due to a kidney problem.

If you press the bags under your eyes, you can tell that there is fluid underneath as the swelling will go away in a second and then come back.

Treat bags under the eyes by taking better care of your kidneys

If your kidneys are not healthy, you can get bags under your eyes.

Follow these steps to reduce the appearance of your swollen bags under the eyes and improve kidney function:

  • Apply used green tea bags on the outside of your eyes. These can be tea bags that you have stored in the freezer to also get the benefits of the cooling effect.
  • Rest a bit with your eyes closed and the cold tea bags upstairs.
  • You can also use raw potato or cucumber slices for the same effect.
  • In the meantime, make sure you drink enough water, at least 8 glasses a day outside of your meals.
  • To improve kidney function, consume an onion and celery broth mixture or a tea made from dandelion and burdock.
  • If you have pain in your lower back, you can apply heat half an hour before going to bed with a heating pad or a warm water bag.

Dark circles under your eyes

The other type of bags you may have under your eyes are dark circles, either bluish, brown or even black, indicating problems with your liver and gallbladder.

These circles can be covered with a little makeup, but it would not deal with the underlying health problem.

How to make your liver healthier

To improve the function of the liver and gallbladder, follow the tips below:

  • Start your day with a cup of warm water with the juice of half a lemon.
  • Avoid unhealthy fats like those in fried foods, commercial baked goods, margarine and cold cuts.
  • Eat dinner early and make it easy.
  • Take white sugar completely out of your diet and use instead of honey, stevia, agave, etc.
  • Stay away from toxic habits like smoking and alcohol.
  • Before bedtime, drink tea made from bitter medicinal plants (artichoke, boldo, dandelion, milk thistle). You can also consume these herbs as a supplement.
  • Every night, apply a few drops of rosehip oil around your eyes and gently massage it in. This oil contains antioxidants and is rejuvenating.

Other means

Some old natural remedies can be very good for reducing the bags under your eyes, both the swollen and dark eyes.

Here they are:

  • After washing your face and before applying a moisturizing cream, apply a face toner made from rosemary, rose or witch hazel.
  • Take special care around your eye area by wearing a sunscreen and wearing sunglasses.
  • In addition, we recommend learning a few simple self-massage techniques.
  • Always sleep with a good pillow, because the height of it will help prevent fluid retention in your face.
  • During the day, it is a good idea to spend some time in an inverted position to get the blood circulating in the head.

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