10 Signs Of Diabetes, Which One Must Not Ignore

Although one can associate them with other conditions or circumstances, one should consider these symptoms if they occur simultaneously, as they may indicate diabetes.
10 signs of diabetes that one must not ignore

Diabetes is one of the diseases known as the “silent killer”. This is because it can develop without obvious symptoms, which can lead to a diagnosis. In today’s article we will talk about 10 signs of diabetes, which one must not ignore!

Signs of diabetes

It is part of a group of metabolic diseases. And it is characterized by an increased amount of glucose in the blood.

As a result, one’s quality of life will decrease and one’s risk of cardiovascular and neurological damage will increase.

More disturbing is the fact that many people who have it ignore the warning signs because they tend to be confused with other more common ailments.

In fact, it is estimated that every third person affected does not even know they have it. It increases the risk of serious complications.

Because of this , it is important to know what the early signs are and when one should go to a doctor to get the necessary examinations done.

Since many people do not already know this information, today we will reveal the 10 most common warning signs of diabetes.

1. Regular urge to urinate

Woman having to pee

Regular urination may be caused by a urinary tract infection or excessive fluid intake.

However, if none of these reasons is the cause and one feels a greater urge to empty his bladder, then it may indicate diabetes.

This is because the kidneys will have to work harder to remove excess sugar through the urine.

2. To feel thirsty

This symptom is associated with the former. As one’s body loses more fluid, one’s system tries to replace it and one experiences a constant thirst.

3. An unstoppable urge to eat

Woman snacking from the fridge

Hunger can stem from both too much and too little blood sugar: Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.

This is because one’s cells do not receive the correct amount of sugar, which sends signals to one’s brain.

4. Dry mouth

An excessively dry mouth is uncomfortable and can be a sign of serious health problems. This is not only a sign of dehydration, but it can also be a sign of type-2 diabetes.

Changes in one’s skin create a habitat for bacteria and increase the risk of problems with the gums and teeth.

5. Exhaustion

Woman exhausted

Excessive or chronic fatigue is a symptom that should not be ignored under any circumstances.

Although it is normal to feel tired after overworking oneself physically, it can also occur when one’s body tries to compensate for a lack of glucose in one’s cells.

This is exacerbated even more when the urge to urinate at night interferes with one’s sleep and prevents one from getting the required amount of sleep.

6. Visual disturbances

One’s eyes are the organ that suffers the most from the consequences of diabetes. A high sugar level changes the shape of one’s eyes, leading to blurred vision.

Sometimes you may catch unpleasant flashing lights that disturb your vision.

The worst thing is that if left unchecked, diabetes can lead to a complete loss of vision or the development of incurable diseases.

7. Infections

Because bacteria, viruses and fungi can grow better in environments with a high level of glucose, infections become more common.

Vaginal fungal infections, fungus, skin infections, urinary tract infections and viruses are common symptoms in patients with diabetes.

Numbness and a buzzing in the extremities


This symptom occurs due to the damage to the nerves, which is closely associated with diabetes.

Both can occur recurrently along with the feeling of pain as well as swelling.

If the problem is not controlled in time, then the damage to the nerve can become permanent and cause very serious problems.

9. Unexplained weight loss or weight gain

Unexplained weight loss or weight gain may be caused by the body’s inability to use insulin due to diabetes.

Because it prevents the appropriate amount of glucose from reaching one’s cells, the body begins to use proteins from the muscles to get energy.

In the opposite case, it will trigger the opposite reaction by increasing one’s desire to eat sugary foods, leading to a weight gain.

10. Problems healing

Sore in the forehead

The damage that occurs in one’s blood vessels inhibits the body’s natural healing process with small wounds and scratches.

Too much sugar damages the blood vessels, which reduces their ability to transport blood to the cells that repair these damages.

In addition to remembering to look for the above warning signs, it is important to remember that type-2 diabetes can be prevented by leading a healthy lifestyle.

In that sense, it is a good idea to avoid excessive weight gain, smoking, to lead a sedentary life as well as to avoid diets based on saturated fats, sugars and processed foods.

Now you have good knowledge about the signs of diabetes, so now you can keep an eye on yourself, your family and your friends!

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