How To Lose Weight With Squash

Squash is a good fruit to include in your diet. It tastes great, is healthy and is the perfect combination with proteins and fiber.
How to lose weight with squash

Do you eat squash regularly? If so, then you know that this vegetable helps keep your body healthy and well, but it is also an excellent vegetable that will help you lose weight. It is delicious and can be combined with many dishes.

Squash has a good natural taste and it is an indispensable ingredient that should be a part of your diet. But before we explain how it can contribute to your diet, let us first give a quick review of the main benefits and properties it has for your health. Do not miss it – you and your family should take this into account:

  • Squash is rich in nutrients and contains virtually no fat. It has very few calories.
  • This vegetable is rich in calcium, perfect for our bones!
  • It has a lot of fiber, so it is ideal for avoiding irritating constipation.
  • Squash contains a large amount of potassium, which allows us to avoid fluid retention and which removes toxins.
  • It is very suitable for the health of our brain as it has the necessary substance, phosphorus, which is ideal for maintaining good brain function.
  • It also contains magnesium, the mineral that is also necessary for women’s general health.
  • Squash also has the remarkable vitamin B9 (folic acid), particularly well-suited for especially children
  • It has vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E… and then it has the minerals potassium, zinc, selenium and magnesium.
  • Squash is diuretic which also helps prevent kidney disease.
ideal weight

First we have to make something clear – it is not recommended at all that you only eat squash for a whole month, and nothing else. Squash is an excellent addition to our diet, but our dishes should also include some protein and fiber. The benefits of this vegetable are many, but most important of all, are the ones we will explain now; what makes them an ideal solution when we need or want to lose a little weight.

  • Because squash only has 17 calories per 100 grams we consume. It enables us to eat a lot and satisfy our hunger with a very small calorie intake.
  • Another interesting fact is that squash increases our metabolism, which helps us burn fat. That is, we get energy while we remove the excess fat by burning it. It is primarily due to vitamin A, which promotes the oxidation of these lipids, these fats.
  • Squash also has soluble and insoluble fiber. The soluble fiber detoxifies and delays blood sugar. The insoluble fiber, meanwhile, is responsible for improving the health of our intestinal system by supplying good bacteria that cleanse your bowels and thus promote the removal of toxins and fats. Without a doubt very appropriate.
  • Squash contains iodine, which stimulates our metabolism to function properly.
Rice with squash

If you try this recipe you will see that it is very easy to make and delicious.

  • 300 grams of brown rice
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 leek
  • 1 squash
  • 1 liter (4-1 / 3 cups) vegetable broth
  • Half a cup of white wine
  • A little pepper
  • Some pine nuts
  • Some raisins

The first thing we do is wash the vegetables. Cut the leeks into small pieces, peel the squash and cut it into small cubes. Do the same with the onion, small pieces. With the garlic, they are peeled and chopped as well.

Now we take a pan and put olive oil on it. First, saute onions and leeks over medium heat, just one for a few minutes. Then add the squash and garlic, stirring thoroughly. Add a little pepper and a handful of pine nuts. Also add the raisins, just a few.

When some of the liquid has evaporated, wait 5 minutes and add half a cup of white wine. This will give a lot of flavor. Once you have evaporated the alcohol, add the vegetable broth, stirring thoroughly. We must remember that rice, uncut brown rice, will require a longer cooking time.

Taste to see if it is as you want, do you want to add salt, or do you like it only with pepper. If you think one is good, add the rice, 300 grams. Place the pan lid on the pan and cook over high heat, do not forget to stir.

Once the rice has absorbed almost all of the broth, test the consistency to see if they are ready. When you take a portion – give yourself a fair and sufficient amount – you can add a touch of lime juice and some nuts on top. In this way, we strengthen the taste, and it contributes more vitamins to the dish. It is a recipe rich in fiber that is very satisfying for lunch, for example. If you eat it with a spinach salad with small pieces of pineapple, it will be extra delicious.

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