Nutrition And Bone Development In Early Childhood

Foods are essential for bone development throughout childhood. It is therefore very important that children get the right diet and all the necessary nutrients.
Nutrition and bone development in early childhood

To promote bone development through early childhood, in addition to dairy products, you need to provide other foods rich in calcium, as well as other nutrients that will help strengthen a child’s bone system.

Foods are essential for bone development through childhood. For this reason, you should plan the food you choose to include in your child’s diet.

It is a human right to grow up healthy and strong, and as the responsible adult, it is essential that you create and maintain a healthy and balanced diet  rich in carbohydrates and minerals for your children.

Throughout childhood and adolescence, bones grow and become stronger. It is therefore necessary to maintain an adequate diet, rich in nutrients, in order to achieve optimal development.

Nutrients that promote bone development

Calcium is essential for the proper development of young bones, right from birth to 18 years of age. It is therefore vital to include this mineral in your baby’s diet. This micronutrient helps with the formation of strong bones and teeth, and the proper coagulation of the blood.

Furthermore, it promotes the functions of the nervous system and activates the enzymes that transform food into energy.

The amount of calcium a child should consume should be equivalent to two or four glasses of milk per day. However, it is smaller for smaller children, but as they grow up, the amount should be increased. However, it is not necessary to ingest calcium exclusively through milk.

There are other foods rich in calcium and you should include them in your baby’s diet. The amount of minerals they contain varies depending on their size and composition. You are not necessarily forced to consume the recommended daily amount.

As long as the overall monthly amount of calcium is sufficient, the development of the baby’s bones will be optimal.

In this article, we will look at ways you can make sure your child is getting enough calcium.

doctor studying the bone development of a child

1. Milk and its derivatives

Milk and its derivatives are great opportunities to supply our body with enough calcium. Furthermore, they contain other essential elements for the proper development of a young skeleton. These include phosphorus and magnesium.

A breastfeeding baby does not need to drink other dairy products or derivatives thereof. Furthermore, yogurt and kefir provide many proteins, but they  should not be added to a baby’s diet until they are at least 6 months old. The most suitable for your child are taste-neutral, without additives or sweeteners.

Read the list of ingredients before you buy them  as most “yogurt” and “kefir” on the market are fake. The list should include nothing but cultured milk, and live and active cultures (or a variety of milk and Lactobacillus).

2. Vegetables for bone development

Some vegetables, such as spinach, are a great source of calcium. They are a good option for those who do not like dairy products or are lactose intolerant.

Another vegetable that contributes to proper bone development is broccoli. Its high content of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin K helps prevent bone diseases, and therefore the bones are maintained so that they are healthy and strong. This cruciferous vegetable also promotes the formation of collagen, and keeps all the body tissues healthy.

All of this is especially important in children as they are in a process of development.

3. Eggs

child eating breakfast

Eggs are among the top of superfoods and they must not be lacking in a child’s diet.

An egg weighs about 60 grams, and contributes at least 6 grams of protein. They are also rich in minerals (calcium and phosphorus). The highest proportion of micronutrients is concentrated in the egg yolk.

Adding eggs to your children’s diet contributes to the development of their muscles and the mineralization of their bones. At this stage, children are in a process of growth and it requires a balanced diet.

4. Fish for bone development

There are different types of fish, but all contribute many essential nutrients to the bone development  of a child.

  • Sardines  are rich in vitamins and calcium. They can be added to pastas and salads if you want to vary the menu of your child.
  • Salmon  is a very good source of omega-3, and contributes with the recommended ration of vitamin D.
  • Canned tuna  contains about 39% of the recommended ration of vitamin D for your child.

5. Nuts

Nuts are perfect substitutes for dairy products. They contain vitamin B, iron, phosphorus, potassium and selenium. They are therefore great for bone development  as they have a high content of calcium.

Furthermore, their high content of oleic acid and linoleic acid helps to improve circulation.


It is important that you pay attention to your child’s diet. What is ingested in the early years is what will create the foundation of the bone system and it will determine future health.

You are responsible for your child’s well-being,  so you must do everything you can to help your child grow strong and healthy. A balanced diet is a fundamental basis for a child to grow, without health problems.

children cooking with their mother

Teach your child healthy eating habits that promote bone development at an early age by providing snacks in the form of vegetables, nuts and fish. You are the mature adult and you set the example. For this reason, if you want your child to eat broccoli, then you have to eat it yourself.

Remember,  your child eats what you eat together.

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