4 Signs That You Are Suffering From Vitamin K Deficiency

Vitamin K plays an important role in the synthesis of proteins associated with blood coagulation, and therefore a deficiency can lead to a stroke among other problems.
4 signs that you are suffering from vitamin K deficiency

Do you also bleed at strange times? Maybe you get nosebleeds at strange times? Or wounds that will not heal? Then you may be suffering from vitamin K deficiency.

Have you ever heard of it? Nel? Well, then you are not alone. There are other, more popular vitamins than vitamin K, despite being just as necessary as the rest. Therefore, we would like to inform you about it and help you to know the related symptoms of vitamin K deficiencies. Do you want to continue reading?

What does Vitamin K Do?

Vitamin K.

Those who take acenocoumarol (Sintrom) are very familiar with vitamin K. It is a drug that is responsible for ensuring the blood clots properly. The people who use acenocoumarol have limitations in their intake of vitamin K because the medication aims to prevent the blood from becoming too dense.

When your blood is too loose, you risk suffering uncontrollable bleeding at unexpected moments, such as. at the dentist or at the orthopedist. At worst, you might even suffer a stroke.

To prevent the above, you should get enough vitamin K in your diet. The good news is that there are plenty of foods that contain vitamin K. You can distinguish between them by looking for green foods, making it easy for you to add them to your plate.

What are the symptoms of vitamin K deficiency?

When you do not have the sufficient vitamin K that your body needs, you may experience the following symptoms:

1. You bleed more if you suffer from vitamin K deficiency


As we mentioned before, when you have blood with a very loose consistency, you are more likely to suffer from bleeding. For example, a small wound from cooking can become a serious problem because stopping the bleeding can be a complicated ordeal.

For that reason, it is important to control your vitamin K levels. Keep in mind that if you go to the dentist or if you undergo any kind of intervention or minor surgery, you may really encounter some problems. In the same way, do not forget about the possibility of getting large or small internal bleeding.

2. Bruising can be a sign of vitamin K deficiency

The least severe signs of bleeding are bruising. Bruising is the accumulation of blood due to bleeding. Frequent bruising, however, can be an advantage because it can alert you to a vitamin K deficiency.

There are people who complain that they get bruises at even the slightest blow. On the other hand, others may not even know why they get bruised in the first place because they can not think of anything that could have caused it. Despite the lack of collisions, they notice.

If you show this symptom, get a blood test to check your body’s vitamin K level. Treating a possible vitamin K deficiency in time can allow you to manage your condition more effectively and as a result the related symptoms.

Purpura can also be a symptom

Blood clots

Purpura is the spread of purple or red spots in certain areas of the body due to blood accumulation. Unlike bruises, these spots do not go away. They are most common in the ankle area because it is a critical location in terms of blood circulation.

If you suffer from this condition and although it may not be possible to get rid of the spots that have already formed, you can stop it from spreading by consuming more vitamin K. But you should be very aware that the signs may worsen or improve.

Weak joints can be a sign of vitamin K deficiency

Vitamin K acts as a guide for vitamin D to go to the right places. As a result, when your vitamin K levels are low, vitamin D builds up in the wrong areas of your body, such as in joints and cartilage.

What does it mean? Too much calcium in these areas can make it harder to move. At the same time, other areas are weakened due to the lack of calcium. If vitamin K deficiency is severe, you may experience sharp pain and generally weaker skeleton.


Look for any of these symptoms. While most of them are not serious, they serve as a warning, a signal that your health may be in danger. As soon as you notice a symptom, make an appointment with your doctor and request an examination of your vitamin K levels.

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