Digestive Problems Caused By Anxiety

People who suffer from anxiety often lose their appetite or overeat. Read on here to learn about digestive problems caused by anxiety.
Digestive problems caused by anxiety

Anxiety has become one of the most prevalent problems in recent years. Psychologists try to explain that this is actually a natural survival mechanism that changes for certain reasons. In this article, we will explain a little about digestive problems caused by anxiety.

While it is true that anxiety is a mental condition, its symptoms go far beyond that. It affects many aspects of your body. In fact, the most common symptoms are related to the digestive system.

Approximately 260 million people worldwide suffer from anxiety. About 25% of the population have digestive problems due to anxiety, such as nausea or heaviness in the stomach.

Therefore, in this article, we will explain indigestion that often occurs in relation to anxiety. It is important to be able to detect these symptoms and control this condition to achieve good quality of life.

What are digestive problems caused by anxiety?

The truth is that anxiety affects everyone differently. Yet most symptoms are related to a state of nervousness and tension. The term “butterflies in the stomach” can also be a symptom of anxiety, although it has a romantic connotation.

Also read: 7 Ways Your Morning Routine Can Relieve Stress and Anxiety

There are actually many digestive problems that stem from anxiety and stress. For example, it is common to feel pain or pressure in the abdomen. However, it does not only affect the stomach. The symptoms can occur in any part of the digestive system. Some of them are:

  • Very dry mouth
  • Nausea and desire to vomit
  • Severe digestion: Accompanied by heartburn
  • Changes in eating habits: The person may feel the need to overeat. On the other hand, they may lose their appetite.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome: This is a condition in which you feel abdominal pain and changes in bowel movements. However, there is no medical reason for these changes.
  • Constipation or diarrhea

The biggest problem with digestive problems caused by anxiety is changes in eating habits. People who experience them lose their appetite. In fact, they can even become malnourished.

On the other hand, there are those who cannot control their appetite and who overeat instead. They are at risk of becoming overweight. It can even lead to diabetes or dyslipidemia.

Woman overeating

How to control digestive problems caused by anxiety

The first thing you need to know is that this is a disease like any other. We must abolish the stigma surrounding mental health. It is also important to understand that there is nothing wrong with asking for help to resolve it.

There are many types of treatments and even medications that help with anxiety. In addition, there are also simple measures that can improve digestive problems caused by anxiety.

First of all, it is best to control your diet. Make sure you eat a balanced diet regularly. Also eat your meals at the same time. In addition, choose light foods that are not heavy to digest. For example, avoid saturated fats and processed products.

The truth is that all these measures that improve digestive problems caused by anxiety are only temporary. In fact, digestive problems can become chronic if you do not reduce anxiety. Therefore, the most important thing is to get to the root of the problem.

Also read: Suppressing your emotions increases your anxiety

Woman experiences anxiety


Anxiety is a health problem that does not just affect us mentally. In addition, it has several physical symptoms. Some of them are stomach problems, such as pressure in the stomach, nausea and changes in appetite. Other symptoms are behavioral changes, such as overeating.

Do not be ashamed of having anxiety. On the contrary, it is important to seek help. Finding a therapist who fits your personality will significantly improve your quality of life.

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