You Can Optimize Your Lungs With These Foods

When you want to change your diet, it is good if you can come up with some healthy habits that can make your lungs work optimally. The main purpose here is that one can breathe freely.
One can optimize his lungs with these foods

It requires good nutrition to optimize its lungs while protecting them from chronic diseases. One can do this with an adequate intake of omega 3 fatty acids and amino acids.

A diet to cleanse the lungs does not require the big changes. But it is important to improve the quality of the food you eat. In general, you need more balanced meals that contain as many different foods and nutrients as possible.

You are what you eat. Therefore, nutrition is the basis of your entire body’s state of health – and of course it also includes your respiratory system. It not only strengthens your immune system, but it also protects your lungs and promotes their regeneration.

Only a few keep an eye on what they eat and continue to consume the “usual” junk food from the TV commercials. Furthermore, a too sedentary lifestyle is the reason why the number of lung diseases has increased.

But how can we improve our diet?

Foods to optimize its lungs

By starting a diet to optimize your lungs, you will be able to reap great benefits if you are already experiencing breathing problems or may already be suffering from a lung disease. Remember that you do not have to be sick to start a diet with good quality food.

In all cases, we will make some recommendations to alleviate the symptoms of respiratory infections and chronic breathing problems.

Keep in mind that this is not a strict diet that needs to be implemented exactly as we describe it. It’s just a collection of some basic eating habits that can create a balanced diet, whether you have a lung disease or not.

Are you ready to take notes?

Omega-3 fatty acids

foods rich in omega-3 to optimize its lungs

Omega-3 fatty acids play a leading role in our diet. They not only protect, but they also cleanse our lungs. They are especially known for their ability to improve the cardiovascular system, but these acids also have a positive effect on both the lungs and the respiratory system.

This group of the good fats reduces the risk of getting lung cancer and chronic diseases. In addition, they activate the secretion of anti-inflammatory substances that can improve lung function if there is asthma, flu or a cold.

The most important sources of omega-3 are:

  • Oily fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna, etc.)
  • Black beans
  • Flaxseed
  • Nuts
  • Olive oil. Keep in mind that there are many fake less good mixes on the market. Always choose extra virgin olive oil in a dark bottle. Check the harvest date or notice the date: the closer to today, the better. Notice which country, region or farm is written on. “Made in” on the label simply indicates where it was poured into the bottle, not necessarily where the olives were harvested and pressed.

Glutamine and arginine

Lung disease degrades the quality of amino acids – glutamine and arginine in particular. Because of this and to prevent lung disease, it is better to increase their absorption through food.

As a preventative measure, you can add this to your diet as part of the recommended daily amount of protein. However, should there already be a lung disease present, the intake should be higher. The best sources for this are:

  • Fish
  • Egg
  • Dairy products

You should eat carbohydrates if you want to optimize your lungs

foods with good carbohydrates

A total of 40 to 45% of the total amount of calories in a diet to optimize his lungs must come from carbohydrates. However, we would like to emphasize that you should prefer the complex carbohydrates as the simple ones can actually aggravate the condition.

It is always recommended to add different sources of antioxidants to your diet because they are important to be able to change the negative effects of the free radicals. This is obviously good for your lungs because they are the most vulnerable organs we have, thanks to the damage that can come from toxins and oxygenation.

Generally speaking, the best sources of carbohydrates and antioxidants are legumes, dried fruits, extra virgin olive oil, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

Moderates your sodium intake

avoid too much salt

Excessive sodium intake is associated with certain diseases that can result in inflammation. Therefore, one should minimize salt in his diet to protect and optimize his lungs. Instead, you can choose herbs and spices.

Both table salt and processed foods with a lot of sodium aggravate lung diseases because they bind the fluid and create poor blood circulation. It overloads your lungs, which can make it difficult to get oxygen.

Other recommendations to optimize his lungs

When you want to change your diet, it is good if you can come up with some healthy habits that can make your lungs work optimally. The main purpose here is that one can breathe freely and keep the bronchi well oxygenated. Therefore, you should be aware of this:

  • Eat five small meals a day (three large and two snacks).
  • Limit or avoid eating ready-made, packaged, canned foods, including beverages, toxic sweeteners, and energy drinks.
  • If you are hungry between meals, stick to nuts, low-fat yogurt, fruits and vegetables.
  • You can increase your intake of vitamin C by eating citrus fruits.

Finally, we must not forget to supplement our diet with a lot of water and physical activity as it strengthens our airways and detoxifies our lungs.

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