How To Make The Plank, The Exercise That Gives Perfect Abdominal Muscles

To begin with, we can not hold the plank for that long, but it is important not to be deterred. We have to keep trying to make the plank until we can endure it and achieve all its benefits.
How to make the plank, the exercise that gives perfect abdominal muscles

Do you know the plank? It is one of the newer exercises that helps improve your exercise routines and gives you perfect abdominal muscles.

These are good times in the fitness world and a new culture in body care has emerged. Diet has become important for a large part of the population.

In this article, we will let you discover a  new exercise routine that will help you show off your flat stomach by using the plank. This is a new method that has had a great impact in all gyms. They can also do the exercise at home without having to buy expensive equipment. Are you ready to try it?

What is the plank?

The plank is an exercise that is good for both women and men.  The exercise hits all the muscles, but is especially good for nurturing your perfect abdominal muscles.

The plank uses a lot of muscles in the body without you having to move. Basically, the idea is that you tense all your muscles through resistance. That way , you increase the strength of your muscles.

During this exercise, it is the muscles in your torso, your abdomen, your back, your arms and your legs and hips that do all the hard work. This is one of the most essential exercises used in fitness because it trains most of the body’s muscles and it is easy to incorporate into most workout routines.

But it is important to remember that you can do the exercise at home – you do not have to go to the gym for it.

How to do the exercise?

To get the best results for the muscles being trained, it is important to have the right posture during the exercise. If you do not have it, you will not achieve the results you hope for.

People who have problems in the lumbar region should be especially careful. They need to keep their abdominal muscles as tight as possible when doing the exercise. It is also best to expand the exercise gradually. That way, it is best that you take one minute at a time until you can hold the plank for five minutes.

Steps and tips for making the plank

When you have to read the scar make the plank, it is important to do it a little at a time - otherwise you risk damaging or overloading your muscles and your body.
  • First, lie down on the floor with your face down.
  • Bend your elbows at a 90 degree angle, just below your shoulders.
  • Then lift your body. The weight should be kept on your forearms and your toes.
  • Your body should be kept in a straight line from head to feet.
  • Your abdominal muscles should be kept tight during exercise without holding your breath.
  • Hold this pose for as long as you can or for as long as you have decided.
  • The recommendation is to repeat the exercise 3 or 4 times.

Perfect abdominal muscles and other benefits for the body

Doing the plank daily will no doubt keep your body in good shape. It’s do it because:

It strengthens your abdominal muscles

The plank is a good exercise to strengthen and give you perfect abdominal muscles. The plank trains both your abdominal muscles in the side and in the lower part and helps you achieve a flatter abdomen.

Of course, it is not so strange that boxers use this exercise because it has just such a big effect on their abdominal muscles.

It strengthens your back muscles

When you make the plank, your muscles in the back, shoulders and neck are strengthened.

By strengthening the paravertebral muscles, the discs in your spine should carry less weight.

It will improve your posture

The plank is not only good for the muscles alone.  It improves your posture so you do not have to go to physical therapy to get your back straightened.

Making the plank can significantly improve your posture because the daily repetition keeps your back more straight. You can also reduce low back pain by making the plank. In general, and most importantly, the exercise stabilizes the spine in the lower back and prevents pain.

However, you must remember that it is essential that you do the exercise correctly  and follow the instructions to avoid causing pain.

It tones your buttocks and legs

In addition to your perfect abdominal muscles, the buttocks are an area that is toned by doing the exercise. With the plank, you increase the muscle mass in your buttocks and buttocks.

Strong legs are important for good posture.

It tones your arms

By keeping the weight of your body up, you strengthen your arms. That way, you avoid the weak and flabby muscles that women are often worried about at a certain age.

In addition, you achieve this without the use of weights and without increasing muscle mass.

You can not deny that the plank opens up a lot of opportunities to improve your physical health. Try it!

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