Some Of The Symptoms Of Liver Failure

The liver is an important organ for the body and you need to keep it in a good condition. Liver failure should therefore be avoided and detected early if it occurs.
Some of the symptoms of liver failure

Liver failure is a big thing because this organ is essential for the functioning of the human body. Today’s article will discuss some of the reasons why it may stop working as it should. Hopefully it helps you evaluate the health of your own liver.

This is how the liver works

This is one of the most important body organs and it is just below the diaphragm on the right side of the body. It is also one of the largest organs and weighs between 900 grams and 1.5 kg. The liver has three functions:

  • To filter the blood by removing toxins from chemicals that are difficult for the body to metabolize – including drugs and alcohol. This means that the liver filters them from the blood and converts them into other substances that the body can either use or excrete.
  • Bile plays an important role in digestion as it is responsible for breaking down fats in the small intestine so that the body can absorb them. It also transports the substances that the body will excrete.
  • It participates in the synthesis and storage of amino acids and proteins – which is very necessary for the body. In addition , it stores sugar in the form of glycogen, which will be converted into glucose and serve as blood fuel. It also stores fats as well as some vitamins and minerals.

Liver failure

This occurs when the liver is not functioning properly. The symptoms may suddenly appear or slowly develop and worsen over time.

Many diseases affect the liver and lead to failure. Some of the most important are:

  • Hepatitis, such as the autoimmune kind and A, B, C, D and E viruses.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Liver cirrhosis.
  • Liver abscess due to bacterial infection.
  • Also liver cancer or metastases from other types such as colon cancer.
  • Thrombosis of the portal vein, which is responsible for supplying blood to the organ.
A doctor writing a prescription

Find out: A healthy liver: Foods to avoid

What happens when the liver does not work?

Many signs may indicate that the liver is stopping functioning properly. The most notable are:

  • Jaundice is yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes produced when bilirubin accumulates. The liver breaks down this substance when it is functioning properly. A person may also experience itching because the bilirubin accumulates in the epidermis when the body does not remove it.
  • Fatigue occurs when glycogen, vitamins and minerals needed for energy supply are no longer stored.
  • Severe digestion and bloating after meals, including nausea and diarrhea. There may also be pain in the side of the abdomen where the liver is. There is no bile secretion and thus no digestion of fat, so the symptoms start to appear.
  • Pale stools and dark urine.
  • Edema of legs and ankles and bloating.

Diagnosis and prevention of liver failure

A physician should always evaluate the situation and perform the necessary tests to diagnose liver failure. Tests may include a blood test, imaging tests or biopsy.

Some of the measures that need to be taken to prevent this are:

  • An adequate, healthy and balanced diet with an adequate content of fat and salt.
  • Be moderate in your consumption of alcohol, tobacco, drugs and other chemicals.
  • Vaccinate against hepatitis.

The treatment of liver failure depends on the cause. Contact a doctor as soon as possible in case of alarming symptoms so that they can diagnose and prescribe treatment as soon as possible.

A man with pain in the liver

See also: How to detox your liver naturally with 5 foods


The liver is an important organ for the body and you need to keep it in a good condition. Therefore, it is important to maintain healthy habits and of course consult a doctor if you have symptoms of liver failure.

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