5 Healthy Cleansing Cures You Should Try

The main idea of ​​this diet change is to cleanse your body. This means getting rid of the toxins that have accumulated over time.
5 healthy cleansing cures you should try

Everything accumulates continuously in your body. This also includes eating too much, not getting enough exercise, drinking alcohol on the weekends, having negative emotions, etc.… Today we bring you 5 healthy cleansing cures you should try!

Because of this you get sick or you just do not want to feel on top.

To get rid of what makes you sick or hurts in your body, you can try what is called a cleansing or detox cure.

In this article, we will tell you how to get the most out of one.

What are cleansing cures?

Fruit juices and fruits

The main idea of ​​this diet change is to cleanse your body. This means getting rid of the toxins that have accumulated over time.

Under normal circumstances, it would not be necessary. This is because your body is dependent on its natural cleansing system (using urine, feces and sweat).

But in real life, we collect things that we have to get rid of. This happens especially if you live in the city.

For example, there are many people who jump on a cleansing regimen after the Christmas holidays. This is because it is a period when one eats and drinks a lot.

But you do not have to be so radical. You do not even have to set aside two specific times a year to detox yourself.

A cleansing regimen provides your body with the things needed to get rid of toxins. These natural elements will help you get rid of superfluous things and the things that hurt you. This is done through your urine or feces.

This kind of routine is not as restrictive as many people think thanks to fiber and potassium that encourage our body to perform its cleansing processes.

Among the benefits of these cures, there are some that stand out. These include getting rid of fluid retention, preventing disease and reducing bloating.

Types of cleansing cures

In most cases, it is a cure that you can complete in just one day or a weekend. During this time, eat only what you are told. It is necessary to stay at home without exercising or performing strenuous activities.

Some cleansing cures are:

Grapefruit cure


Grapefruits are powerful fat burners and detoxifiers. They also give you a lot of fiber and vitamin C. To perform this cure you need to spend all day eating grapefruit. This can be either as juice or in slices.

In the afternoon, you can combine it with fat-free yogurt. At night you can eat a spinach or green salad.

Fiber cure

Oatmeal is the most important ingredient during a weekend cleansing. You can eat it with skim milk and fat-free yogurt, orange juice, cereal sticks or with nuts like almonds.

In the afternoon you can add some fresh fruit (strawberries, apples). At night you can have a carrot soup with leeks and celery.

Carrot cure

Carrot juice

Spending an entire day eating carrots is not bad. It is better if you eat them raw to reduce both anxiety and your appetite when you chew on them. However, you can also enjoy this vegetable in the many different ways you can cook it.

We recommend a smoothie, broth, grated or pureed with a little lemon juice.

Before going to bed, end the day with a natural tea.

Cleansing tomato cure

This is a good option for smokers (or people who have just quit smoking). It is also good for women who are struggling with orange peel.

Eat tomatoes in as many ways as possible  throughout the day:

  • Drink some tomato juice when you get up; for breakfast, eat sliced ​​tomatoes.
  • For lunch, eat a tomato salad with bean sprouts and lettuce (you can add olive oil).
  • For snacks, you can get tomato juice with mint. For dinner, you eat the same thing you did for breakfast.
  • Drink a cup of tea before going to bed.

Artichoke cure

Box of artichokes

This delicious vegetable has diuretic properties. It helps get rid of stored fat, especially from your stomach.

The artichoke cure is a one-day cure:

  • At breakfast, eat a piece of wholemeal bread with artichoke cream.
  • When it comes to breakfast, eat grilled artichoke hearts. For dinner, eat an artichoke stew.
  • For morning and lunch snacks you can eat low-fat yogurt.

What do I do with cleansing cures?

Many people do not really like the idea of ​​dieting for more than one day.

Maybe you plan to eat healthier starting today. Or it could be after being on a weekend cleansing regimen.

In this case, we recommend eating the following foods that are known for their cleansing abilities:

  • Fruits (pineapple, strawberries, grapes, kiwi, oranges, apples, pears)
  • Vegetables (celery, asparagus, onions, endivier)
  • Sprouts (wheat, alfalfa, soy)
  • Whole grains
  • Lean meat
  • Fat fish
  • Yogurt

After a detox

What happens after a cleansing treatment? This is a very common question.

The idea is that when you finish a diet, you should not overeat on high calorie foods.  Increase the amount of food you eat little by little. Eat fruits and vegetables as much as possible (keep the list above in mind).

Fresh fish and vegetables on a table.

Lastly, do not forget to exercise regularly. It may even just be taking a daily walk. Drink 8 glasses of water a day. Also avoid fats, sugar and bleached flour.

Drink natural tea and juice instead of soft drinks and green tea instead of coffee. Also, try to find foods with whole ingredients instead of processed or refined.

This way, your body will not hold on to as many toxins and you will have better health.

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