5 Signs Of Depression You Might Ignore

Because depression changes the chemistry of the brain, affected people can see a distorted version of reality by perceiving actions and comments negatively, which in other cases would seem normal.
5 signs of depression you might be ignoring

Depression is still a taboo subject in our society, and many people unfortunately suffer from it long before they decide to seek help.
There are many early signs of depression, but they are often ignored. Many push themselves and others to persevere a little longer and not “whine” too much.

Signs of depression

Emotions such as sadness, meaninglessness and fatigue are rather suppressed than taken care of. All are the emotions that can indicate an early stage of depression.

The deeper down the hole you are allowed to sink, the harder it becomes to get back up later.

Here are the 5 most common signs of depression.

1. Sudden changes in weight

Young woman hanging over the food

One of the most visible physical signs of depression is a sudden change in body weight.

A loss or increase of more than 5% of one’s total weight within a month is a sign that something is not quite right in your body (except if you are on a definite diet, of course).

Depression can often lead to increased or decreased appetite. It can cause either a weight gain or decrease.

If you have lost your appetite or are resorting to overeating, it may be a good idea to ask yourself how you are feeling. Are you anxious? Are you gripped by a feeling of meaninglessness? It can also be a sign of depression if you have difficulty identifying your own emotions.

2. Changes in sleep rhythm

Insomnia or too much sleep is easy to recognize, but is unfortunately not taken as seriously as it should be.

Sleep disorders can be caused by things other than depression. Maybe you are stressed or have another conventional illness. In any case, it is a sign that you should go to the doctor.

Depression often causes insomnia at night and an increased need to sleep during the day. It can also cause an increased (and unhealthy) need for excessive sleep in general or insomnia.

If you have difficulty sleeping or sleep too much it could be a sign of depression.

3. Anger or irritation

Young woman shouting on the phone

Depression is often expressed through anger and irritability. Irritability is actually the way depression most often manifests itself in children and adolescents. Many children and adolescents do not show the traditional symptoms and do not become “sad”. On the other hand, they often have a short temper and quickly become angry.

Depressed adults are also often irritable, but this is not their primary feeling to the same extent as with children and adolescents.

Depression changes the chemistry of the brain, distorting your view of certain daily situations that would otherwise be commonplace.

4. Guilt

Depressed people often have a constant sense of guilt. In fact, a 2012 study found that depressed people experience guilt more strongly than other people.

Guilt can come from anything. Maybe you have not done as you promised yourself. Maybe you made a bad decision. Maybe you did not achieve as many things as you would like. It can turn into a vicious circle where guilt causes you to sink even deeper into depression.

5. Pain

Woman with neck pain

Until a few decades ago, psychologists did not believe that emotions could affect physical pain.

However, after conducting some research, it was determined that there is a correlation and that it is much larger than first thought.

It can range from anything from hypersensitive skin to muscle aches, stiffness or digestive problems.

Pain can, of course, be caused by many things other than depression. But it is a sign that something is wrong. If you experience unexplained pain, it is time to go to the doctor.

Depression is a serious disorder that should not be taken lightly. It is a complex and dangerous condition that requires professional attention in order to overcome it as quickly as possible.

Although many of these symptoms can be confused with other diseases, it is important to be aware of them in order to get the right treatment.

Are you in doubt about having depression? Talk to your doctor. It is never too early to get help and only you know how you feel.

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