7 Kinds Of Natural Medicine To Control High Blood Pressure

Foods that contain diuretic properties are recommended to remove fluids and excess sodium related to high blood pressure.
7 kinds of natural medicine to control high blood pressure

High blood pressure, or  hypertension, is one of the most common cardiovascular problems  worldwide. It is also known as the “silent killer” because of the way it develops in the body. In today’s post you get 7 kinds of natural medicine to control high blood pressure. 

Natural medicine to control high blood pressure

According to information released by the American Heart Association, one in three adults suffers from high blood pressure. This means that at least a third of the world’s population is affected.

This high diagnosis has given rise to warn the whole world. Especially because a lot of people do not realize these risks, and do not treat it properly.

In response to this, the primary health care facilities are constantly promoting healthy living habits, and are trying to publish all kinds of information on this topic.

Being aware of the risk of high blood pressure. It is one of the primary measures to start controlling high blood pressure and treating it. If you can remember that, it is good to know how to lower your blood pressure naturally and how to avoid taking all purely pharmaceutical medications. Below are 7 kinds of natural medicine to control high blood pressure that will be able to help you if you suffer from hypertension.

Raw almonds


A handful of raw almonds every day can help control blood pressure, thanks to their essential Omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce cholesterol and improve heart function.

Just because they are a rich source of fat and calories does not mean you want to gain weight; in fact, the fat found in almonds is considered good fat and it can help increase muscle mass.

Coconut milk

It is delicious, refreshing, and perfectly moisturizing on hot days, when people generally lose more fluid.

It contains a good amount of potassium, electrolytes and other nutrients that could help reduce blood pressure.

In a study published in the West Indian Medical Journal, it has been found that  coconut water can help regulate blood pressure, both when it is too high and too low.

Up to 71% of patients who had high blood pressure and drank coconut water had pressure drops, and up to 29% of those with low blood pressure had theirs regulated.



As it is valued due to its high fiber content and essential nutrient content, oatmeal is another natural remedy that can reduce blood pressure.

A study conducted by researchers at Columbia University found that  consuming oatmeal  can help reduce blood pressure by up to 5%.

It was also found in this study that oatmeal also helps control blood pressure and prevent heart disease.


Turmeric has gained an important place as a healing  medicine  due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, due to its active component curcumin.

One of its primary benefits is that it has potent potency by reducing inflammation in the body, while also helping to control high blood pressure, and other inflammatory problems.

When taken with black pepper, it can also have a vasodilating effect. This is perfect for improving blood circulation and keeping the artery walls clean. And as if that were not enough, it also acts as a natural anticoagulant that helps regulate blood flow. 

Lemon and parsley smoothie


Daily intake of this smoothie can help  reduce  high blood pressure, thanks to its diuretic effect.

Both lemon and parsley contain important nutrients that facilitate the removal of fats and excess sodium,  both of which are associated with high blood pressure.  


  • 1 lemon, with peel
  • 1 handful of chopped parsley
  • A glass of water (200 ml)


  • Cut the lemon into several boats, with peel. Put it in a blender with a handful of parsley and a glass of water.
  • Blend it for a few seconds, say it and drink it before breakfast.


This is one of the best sources of potassium available, which is an important mineral for people who need to control their blood pressure.

Therefore , it is recommended to consume at least two servings of banana daily, along with a healthy diet .   



Raw  garlic  contains a concentrated amount of very important nutrients that have been valued since ancient times in the field of natural medicine.

One or two cloves of pressed garlic could help keep high blood pressure in check, thanks to its sulfur compounds, which promote good blood circulation and lower blood pressure.

Try some of our natural remedies to control high blood pressure and see what it can do for you and your health.

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