Can Dukankuren Help You Lose Weight?

The Dukan diet is a diet that you can try if you are overweight. While the Dukan cure may help you, you should always be wary of cures that promise miracles.
Can Dukankuren help you lose weight?

The Dukan Diet is a new diet that promises miracles and that many of Hollywood’s big stars follow. But is it really as good as it says? Can Dukankuren help?

There are many different diets that all promise miracles. The Dukan cure is one of those that promises the great results.

But many argue that the cure should not be taken too seriously and that it does not work for everyone as we are all different.

Find out more here about the cloth cure and whether it works or not.

Can Dukankuren help you lose weight?

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The French doctor Dukan has published several books and they have all been a success. In Spain, his three publications are “bestsellers” with over half a million sales.

The popularity of the cure has not gone unnoticed. A study was conducted by the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN), which found that Dr. Dukan’s method was “ fraudulent and illegal in that it does not help people lose weight and can even pose a health risk.

Many began following this diet after seeing how quickly actress Penelope Cruz lost weight after giving birth to her son. It reportedly also helped the Crown Princess Kate Middleton, who should have had the book sent to her by Dr. You can.

Does the Dukan Cure Really Work?

Obese woman

Many believe the Dukan cure is the perfect miracle cure for obesity. Others think you can lose at most a few kilos with it. The method promises a lasting effect, but many researchers have challenged the claim.

One of the studies shows why the cure does not work, and was performed by a group that was strongly critical of Dr. You can.

They surveyed 5,000 people who had followed the diet.

For most of the study, the cure was effective in the beginning, but not in the long run.

  • 35% regained the weight they lost within a year.
  • 48% returned to their original weight after one year.
  • 64% were heavier than they were after two years on the cure.
  • 70% exceeded their starting weight after three years.
  • 80% of respondents weighed more after four years than when they started.

Dukan cure and poor mental health

The dieter claimed that “ if you do not get the results you expected, it is because of your lack of commitment.

The cure postulates that decline is your own fault and has nothing to do with the cure.

60% of those who followed the dukan diet also felt that they did not lose weight because they ate too much, did not work hard enough or ate something that they should not.

The guilt can be connected with the Dukan cure, which should work if you just work hard enough.

The Dukan cure has correlated with symptoms of depression and low self-esteem.

Pierre Dukan has said that overweight people are “sick”.

Woman with a bathroom scale - Dukankuren can help

The World Health Organization made a similar claim in 1997 when it described obesity as a chronic disease. Unfortunately, Dr. Dukan all who are not equally slim, on the background that they have a problem.

It has been estimated that people who are overweight or obese have been able to lose an average of 2 kilos after a month on the Dukan diet. However, this is not a significant amount, especially if you are considering the extremes you need to go through with your food consumption to follow this method.

Alternatives to Dukankuren. How to lose weight best

Eat less processed flour, sugar and fat. Eat more fruits and vegetables, exercise regularly and avoid bad habits like smoking and alcohol consumption.

You do not have to resort to such drastic treatments with high risk of side effects. In addition, you are even more likely to avoid the “relapse effect”, where you get all the kilos you lost back.

Among the many people who claim that the Dukan diet is not for everyone, whether they are overweight or not, is a researcher from Navarra University (Spain).

Dr. Silva believes that even after the method side by side from the book has no guarantee of results.

Of course, Dr. Dukan not responsible for the follow-up of any patient as a nutritionist at a medical center would be. Nor can he control a patient’s understanding of the diet. To make matters worse, the book is very general and is not concentrated on a specific group of the population.

It is clear that not everyone can follow the same diet due to differences in:

  • Age
  • Physical creation
  • Weight
  • Habits and activities
  • Heredity factors
  • Disease

Therefore, it is important to talk to your own doctor first and evaluate other options for losing weight in a healthy way at your own pace.

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