Self-fulfilling Prophecy: When Your Thoughts Become Reality

You need to change your beliefs, find a new perspective and above all believe in what you want. Believing in yourself is so important when working to fulfill your prophecy.
Self-fulfilling prophecy: When your thoughts become reality

Some call it the pygmalion effect, but most know it as a self-fulfilling prophecy. The phenomenon originates from the ancient Greeks who first invented it in the legend of Ovid.

This legend is about a sculptor named Pygmalion, who fell in love with one of his statues, which he called Galatea. His love was deep but blind. He treated the sculpture as if it were a real woman.

The goddess Aphrodite became aware of the love Pygmalion felt for her statue, so she made it alive. Everything he had wanted so much finally came true.

Can you find a self-fulfilling prophecy in your daily life?

If you are constantly looking for signs of infidelity, it can drive your partner to be unfaithful

What happens to a person who has a problem with jealousy? They constantly keep an eye on their partner, looking for evidence of possible infidelity and for that reason they end up finding exactly what they were afraid of.

It seems ironic to think that what we are so afraid of can become a reality. But our actions work as if they are calling for it to happen.

Without wanting to, a jealous person is looking for evidence that does not exist. But if they continue to do this, they will end up in exactly the place they were afraid of.

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The same thing happens in other environments, like in school.

When a professor thinks that a student is going to dump his course, the student unconsciously believes in it and acts in a way that ensures that it becomes a reality.

As we can see, the self-fulfilling prophecy is often present in negative situations. However, the pygmalion effect can be used in a positive way.

Just like it happened with Ovidio because you think you want to succeed on a project or say you want to achieve one of your dreams, you can make it happen.

Nothing is impossible. But our lives are more often regulated by negativity than positivity. People often hold us back. Therefore, the Pygmalion effect has many more negative examples than positive ones.

The Pygmalion effect and the law of attraction

The law of attraction says that you can attract positive or negative energy with your thoughts and actions

In fact, we can compare the self-fulfilling prophecy with the law of attraction. In fact, by believing that we are attracting something, it can one day, without us expecting it, become a reality.

There is no magic involved. Nor is it about fate. The answer is found in our change of attitude.

For example, we do not behave in the same way towards our partner when we trust them, compared to when we think they are unfaithful to someone else.

Our actions pave a path with an end that we cannot avoid.

But we are often not aware of it. For that reason, we end up being surprised at ourselves and the decisions we make about something that has happened.

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Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you attract the same types of people? You may think that you are having bad luck or that everyone around you is a bad person.

But maybe you have not looked at yourself. You may not have realized that you have a strong belief installed in the unconscious part of your brain that makes you believe that everyone is a liar and is unfaithful.

Our thoughts and beliefs are very powerful. But being aware of this can work to our advantage.

Live the life you want to live. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy

If you think positively you will attract positivity.  It is a self-fulfilling prophecy

Thanks to self-fulfilling prophecy, you can live the life you want to live. In fact, it can happen on various occasions that your thoughts are in fact the only thing causing you pain.

Why not try the opposite? Yes, it requires a lot of strength on your part. Freeing yourself from negative thoughts and beliefs can be a very tiring job.

But it is worth it. Think about all the negative things you have attracted and imagine how you could have turned it into something positive.

You need to change your beliefs, find a new perspective and above all believe in what you want. Believing in yourself is so important when working to fulfill your prophecy.

We are all architects of our own lives.

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