5 Reasons Why You Have No Friends And Why It’s Your Fault

Are some of these reasons because you have no friends here? Even if you are a very independent person, it is very important and healthy to have friends – as long as you are responsible in your relationships with people.
5 reasons why you have no friends and why it's your fault

Are you complaining that you have no friends? Do you feel lonely? If so, be aware of the following reasons why you may not have any friends. It is possible that you drive them away yourself.

Sometimes it is hard to be self-critical and accept our own mistakes. However, it is a very important trait, especially if you want to keep your friends in your life.

Let’s look at what might be to blame for you not having any friends.

1. You have no friends because you complain about everything

Woman taking care of her head

Constant complaint can be the reason you have no friends here. Some people complain so often that they do not even notice that they are doing so.

By complaining all the time, people see us as pessimists,  or get the impression that we are always in the role of victim.

Complaining also makes us quite selfish. When we complain, only we are important and it is so bad that we need the support of everyone else.

Others, however, may get quite tired of your complaint. Maybe that’s why you have no friends…

2. You forget your friends when you are in a relationship

Woman staring at young couple holding each other

Many people forget their friends when they are in a relationship.

They just want to be with their partner and that is understandable. But they should also make sure to have time to be with their friends.

  • Your friends may feel exploited if you can call or make appointments with them when you are single. Friendships must be respected.
  • Does your partner really need all your time? Do you really not have time for your friends?

The infatuation phase makes us so blind that we can completely overlook the people who are always there for us and who comfort us when we have problems.

3. You have high expectations

Woman who looks happy

One reason you do not have any friends may be because you have too high expectations for their behavior.

This also happens sometimes for dating couples. It can be tiring and frustrating.

It can be hard to live up to your expectations of how people should behave or what type of friend you expect one to be.

No one behaves a certain way just because we expect it of them. Stop having expectations that can ruin your friendships and relationships.

4. You have low self-esteem

Woman looking sad in front of the computer - no friends

Another very common reason you do not have any friends is low self-esteem. When you suffer from low self-esteem, many problems can arise in your personal relationships and friendships.

  • Maybe you expect too much from people. Maybe you feel attacked when they do not behave as you expect. Or maybe you get upset when you are not the center of their attention.
  • With such thoughts, it is possible  that you shut them out and that you hardly talk to your friends. Maybe you do not even bother to make appointments with them.

Eventually, those friendships will be frayed.

It is important that you get a professional helper for your self-esteem and that you get out and meet new people.

Try going to the gym or join an interest group. That way, you learn that there are other people who can be part of your group of friends. Be open to meeting new people.

5. You gossip about everything and everyone

Man shocked - no friends

There are many who exchange gossip between their friends. Problems arise when gossiping about one friend to another.

To begin with, that friend will realize how you behave behind someone else’s.

This behavior causes your friends to lose their trust in you,  they stop being honest with you and eventually they stop being your friends.

In all matters, trust is important. It is quite normal to sometimes talk about other friends. But if you repeatedly and constantly slander, you are exercising a really negative attitude when it comes to friendships.

Are some of the above reasons why you have no friends? Even if you are a very independent person, it is necessary to have friends. Friendships are good for your mental and physical health as long as you keep them kind.

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