How To Soothe Cracked Heels In A Few Days

To get healthy heels, it is important to remember to exfoliate the dead skin cells before beginning your treatment so that it will be better able to penetrate the skin.
How to soothe cracked heels in a few days

S p rukne heels are a clear sign of neglected, dry feet.  It can be due to many different things, but usually it comes from walking with open sandals or  walking  around barefoot. How do you relieve cracked heels? We will help you with that.

The medical term for this condition is known as “heel crack.” It is characterized by a cracked, dry surface that includes the epidermis and even the subcutaneous tissue. In some cases, it causes severe pain.

Like many other problems that occur on the feet, many people tend to ignore it until it develops into the more extreme problems where the damage to the skin is very obvious and accompanying symptoms have also started to appear.

The good news is that  there are many ways to treat this problem that will improve the appearance of your feet, as well as your overall quality of life. Are you suffering from this right now?

How to soothe cracked heels with a foot bath

Foot bath with flowers

Every night before going to bed, you can bathe your feet in warm water for 15 to 20 minutes, then rub them with a pumice stone while avoiding adding damage to the areas that are already cracked.

The goal is to loosen dead skin cells gently, which make up most of the hard areas and cause dryness.

Finally, rinse your feet, apply a good moisturizer, and put on socks in bed to keep them hydrated during the night.

You should  repeat this treatment daily until your condition improves. However, once you have had your cracked heels removed, you should still bathe your feet regularly as a preventative measure.

Also read: Natural Remedies That Relieve Muscle Pain

Avocado and banana cream

This banana and avocado cream is soft and will  fight the hard skin and dryness that makes your heels crack.


  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1 ripe banana

How do you cook it?

Mash both ingredients together until they form a paste and apply it as a mask on your  heels. Wrap your feet in plastic wrap for 30 minutes, then rinse them well with warm water.

For best results,  do this daily or at least 3 times a week.

Lemon Scrub

Lemon Scrub

This natural treatment exfoliates dead skin cells and softens rough skin on the heels.

If you have severe cracks on your heels, it is not recommended that you use this, as the acid in the  lemon  can give a burning sensation.


  • The juice of a lemon
  • 1/4 cup sugar

How do you cook it?

Make a paste using these two ingredients, steam your feet with warm water, and rub this scrub on the affected areas of your heels with gentle circular motions.

Let it sit for twenty minutes and then rinse with warm water. Repeat this three times a week for best results.

Coconut oil

This natural oil has a lot of benefits for skin care, especially when it comes to the feet.

The antibacterial properties of coconut oil help  fight athlete’s foot and the bacteria that are responsible for causing odor and athlete’s foot.

Thanks to its excellent moisturizing ability, it is considered to be a great way to soothe cracked heels, regenerate the skin, and remove calluses.

What should you do?

Apply a good portion of coconut oil on the affected areas and rub it in thoroughly.

Ideally, you should repeat this treatment twice daily.

Cocoa butter

Cocoa butter

Like coconut oil, cocoa butter is a great support for skin care and helps repair it and relieve dryness.

What should you do?

Buy good quality cocoa butter in a health food store or pharmacy and apply it to your dry heels every night before going to bed.

Also read: How to prevent and treat chapped lips

How to soothe cracked heels with natural remedies

The remedies listed above relieve chapped heels  as long as you use them regularly.

Foot care

Yet their effectiveness depends on other things you do to improve the health of your feet.

  • Try to keep them clean  and free of dirt.
  • After a long, hard day, you can bathe them in warm water.
  • Remember to moisturize and exfoliate your feet regularly.
  • Avoid wearing shoes that are too tight or that expose your feet to the weather.
  • Do not walk with bare feet for a long time.
  • After taking a bath,  you can moisten your feet and apply a bactericidal powder to prevent athlete’s foot and odor.

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