3 Secrets To Happiness From Ancient Wisdom

Despite all the advances we have made, all we need to keep in mind is to be happy, this ancient wisdom gives us some incredibly valuable lessons. 
3 secrets to happiness from ancient wisdom

Many of the advice we get today to be happy is not new. Rather, they come from ancient wisdom.

This wisdom seems to have been ascribed to antiquity, but it is funny that we still need to use it in the present world, for we have not yet managed to internalize everything it seeks to teach us.

In this blog we will reveal 3 secrets from ancient wisdom that are very important to implement in practice from today.

After all, if the ancient sages used them, it must have been for a good reason.

Secrets from the ancient wisdom to put into practice

1. Check only that which you can control and ignore the rest

Man who has swallows around him

The first of the secrets of the ancient wisdom is very important. How often will we not control things that are not in our hands?

Facing a problem that is destroying us or a concern that keeps us on edge, it is important to ask ourselves if there is anything we can do about it.

The noise said: “Can I do something about this problem? If I can, then I will act, if not, then I will accept it. “

But we never act so wisely. We run into the same wall over and over again, exhausting ourselves, undermining our self-esteem and becoming worried.

We can not always control everything, because there are things that just happen and that’s okay. Accepting this will free us from a great burden because we will sometimes take responsibility for things we cannot control.

Sometimes it is the result of a fear, insecurity or other problem that prevents us from letting go.

Let things flow! It’s time to accept and not be dazzled by what we know we can not control. The best things happen when we learn to let go of our control.

2. Accept and stop denying

Man cycling with paraoly and flying fish

Acceptance is one of the most difficult things in life because it sometimes means we have to stop taking the role of victim.

When we do not accept an illness, a situation or a period in our lives when things are not going so well, we begin to deny what is happening and to resist it.

This situation is as absurd as watching it rain and deny it or get angry over it. Are we achieving anything? Can we change the situation? The answer is a resounding “no” and our only option is to accept what is happening.

Why does this denial of reality occur? It happens because of our expectations and what we consider to be luck and misfortune.

All this makes us suffer and resist, which is useless. We are not victims; The world is not against us. Things just happen.

Accept what you cannot change. Doing the opposite, according to the Stoics, wastes a great deal of our energy.

3. You are responsible for your life

Woman with big hair

The third secret of ancient wisdom is very important to remove guilt from our lives. After all, we tend to blame our parents for how they raised us, but we are adults now.

As Seneca said, “We say that it was not in our power to choose our parents that they were given to us by chance. But we can choose what kind of children we want to be ”.

Looking back and regretting everything that has happened does not help us. It is a way of making excuses for our passivity in the face of the difficulties that are affecting us at the moment.

But we are adults now. We have the power to switch to a different path than our parents’. Now we are responsible for our own lives, no one else’s.

So what are you waiting for? Try the 3 secrets to happiness from ancient wisdom.

Today is the day to start giving up control over what you can do nothing about, accept situations as they are, and start taking the helm of your own life.

To resort to obsession, denial and guilt only brings misfortune.

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