The Best Tea To Regulate Nervousness And Anxiety

If you are taking medication for anxiety, you should talk to your doctor before trying any of these remedies to avoid side effects.
The best tea to regulate nervousness and anxiety

Life can sometimes present you with problems, challenges and tests. These cause nervousness and anxiety, the body’s response to stimuli that threaten the cells in your brain. Today we will talk about the best tea to regulate nervousness and anxiety!

While it is true that both stress and anxiety at controlled and moderate levels can help you cope with the difficulties each day when you exceed them, there is a problem that can be seen on both your body and your mental balance.

If you notice that you are losing control and certain symptoms such as palpitations, dizziness or indigestion appear, do not hesitate to talk to your doctor. The help of a professional is usually needed in these cases.

In the meantime, you can use some simple means at home. Tea is one way people find relief when they experience moderate levels of stress and anxiety.

We invite you to read on and learn more.

Hawthorn to remove nervousness and anxiety

Hawthorn is a beneficial herb that regulates blood pressure. It tells your body to relax, which improves blood circulation and optimizes the heart rate for your entire body.

It is excellent when you experience mild anxiety, or on days when you are more nervous than usual.

How to take it?

  • Nature experts will tell you that it is best to take it in a tincture. You can find this in health food stores and it is usually very effective.
  • Dissolve two drops of hawthorn tincture in a cup of water or juice.
  • Take one of these every day.

Contraindications to hawthorn

  • If you are already taking medication to treat irregular heartbeat or high blood pressure, do not use hawthorn.
  • Avoid use if you are pregnant.
  • Do not abuse tinctures: They contain trace amounts of alcohol and can cause secondary problems.

Lemon balm tea for better sleep

Mint too

Lemon balm is one of those plants that is known for its relaxing effect and relief of moderate levels of stress, insomnia or anxiety.

In addition, lemon balm fights spasms, helps relieve muscle tension and reduces nervousness and anxiety that can upset your stomach.

How to take it?

  • You can drink two cups of lemon balm tea a day. One of them is especially useful to take before bedtime.
  • Heat a cup of water (200 ml) and add a teaspoon of lemon balm (5 g). Do not forget to sweeten it with honey.

Contraindications of lemon balm

  • If you are pregnant, you should avoid using this tea without first consulting your doctor.
  • Never take lemon balm tea if you have to drive or operate machinery.

Basil for nervous stomach

Something that happens to a lot of people is that when you are nervous or anxious, it almost always focuses on the “other brain,” which is your stomach.

If we were to suggest making a basil tea every day to combat this problem, you might be surprised as you probably only think of basil as an aromatic herb for cooking.

But basil and its essential oil are actually very relaxing, and help relieve abdominal pain and improve your digestion. Try making a basil tea after each meal.

How to take it?

  • Simply use a teaspoon of basil and a cup of water. Let it simmer for 10 minutes and let it stand for another 10. If you sweeten it with a little bit of honey, you will really enjoy the results.

Contraindications of basil

  • If you suffer from gastritis or Crohn’s syndrome, it is best to avoid basil because the essential oils can cause side effects.
  • Do not drink more than one cup a day or use this treatment for more than 10 days. Basil is best taken when you feel intense abdominal pain due to nervousness and anxiety (and you are sure it is not gastritis).



Linden or basswood tea is a great way to relieve normal nerves or moderate anxiety. It reduces stress and stomach upset, promotes relaxation, relieves headaches, has a pleasant taste and helps restore your airway health.

How to take it?

  • Lindete has fewer side effects, which means you can drink up to three cups a day as needed. In addition, it can become something included in your daily routines.
  • All you have to do is boil a cup of water and add a teaspoon of linden flowers.
  • Always sweeten this with honey, to enhance its therapeutic and calming effect. You will love how much calmer it makes you feel.

Contraindications to linden flowers or basswood

  • As we already noted, linden flowers are a natural plant that has few side effects. However, if you are pregnant or taking heart medication, it is always best to consult your doctor first.

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