Follow These Instructions If You Have A Sedentary Job

Many people spend their working day seated. This can cause health problems in the long run, some of which are even surprising. Fortunately, there are routines that can help improve your situation.
Follow these instructions if you have a sedentary job

Do you have a sedentary job?

The big problem for people with sedentary jobs is that they spend a lot of time sitting. In fact, the simple act of spending your working day sitting in itself is a health risk on many different levels, whether you exercise regularly next to work.

If this is the case with you, we recommend that you follow these guidelines to reduce your risks.

How does a sedentary job affect your health?

In today’s job market, more and more people are doing office work and spending many hours sitting in front of a computer. For years, researchers have been studying the effects of this inactivity on people’s health.

Some consequences are very clear and we have known about them for a long time: back and neck pain, muscle tension in the back and even muscle contractions. However, other consequences have not been so clear until recently. This is probably because their effects are taking place in the long run.

We know that spending too much time sitting down is associated with an increased risk of certain diseases. These include obesity, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, higher resistance to insulin and lipid changes.

Also read: Sedentary lifestyle: How it affects the heart

Instructions for a healthier working day

The authorities are so concerned about this reality that they have even published a special guide written in the UK. This guide contains recommendations for people with sedentary jobs.

Some of the steps they recommend are as follows:

  • Spend at least 2 hours of your working day standing. If possible, increase this to a total of 4 hours.
  • Workers need to get up from their desks once in a while and go for a walk.
  • Businesses need to provide desktops that you can use sitting or standing. That way, you can change your working position and reach two hours or more standing a day. This type of desk has been used for some time in Scandinavian countries.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible.
  • Make stretches and rotations to loosen your joints and prevent discomfort and future injuries.
Woman at desk has a sore neck

What else can you do during the day?

As we mentioned, the negative effects of having a sedentary job are not solved with exercise outside of your job. However, many people also lead a sedentary lifestyle outside of their work. Today, lack of physical activity is a dangerous reality even in our spare time.

The key is to move around during and outside of your work day. With just a few small steps, you can make your day more active:

  • Walk as much as possible, even if it might mean going to and from work. If the distance is too long, try using public transportation instead of a private vehicle.
  • If you do not go to work, you can increase the distance you walk by getting off a stop earlier or parking some distance away from your destination.
  • Finding time to exercise is crucial . This can be at home, in a gym or outside. Even short sessions of 15 minutes can be beneficial.
  • When spending time at home or in your free time, try not to spend too much time sitting or without moving.

Also read: A sedentary lifestyle; Do you need to go to the gym?

Adjust your diet to your activity level

Your diet is one of the habits you should change to combat the effects of a sedentary job

Diet and exercise are two of the pillars of your health. If you can not change your activity level during everyday life very much, you need to put more emphasis on your diet to compensate for it. However, the most important goal should be to change your sedentary lifestyle.

You need to eat well and adjust your diet to your daily level. We are not talking about “going on a diet” in the sense that you need to limit your calorie intake. However, your energy needs are different in a sedentary job than in a more active one.

The eating habits you should adopt are:

  • Base your daily diet on fresh ingredients  especially vegetables, leafy vegetables and fruits. They are light and at the same time make you chew more, which makes you feel more full.
  • Be sure to include good sources of high quality protein, such as eggs, lean meats, fish or tofu. Your muscles still need it even if you are not exercising. You should not omit these from your lunch or dinner.
  • Adjust your carbohydrate intake to your level of physical activity.
  • Choose natural fruit and yoghurt for dessert and as snacks between meals.
  • Drink most water, avoid energy drinks, sugary drinks and fruit juices.

Small steps are important if you have a sedentary job

To enjoy good health, physical activity is just as important as food, rest, and emotional well-being. You may not be able to change your job, but you can make some small changes that minimize the negative effects of a sedentary job.

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