Which Teas Can Help You Lose Weight?

Certain teas and infusions help your body remove fluids and toxins while adding good properties. Therefore, they are a great way to burn fat and lower your cholesterol.
Which teas can help you lose weight?

These medicinal herbs are not miracle cures. You can not lose weight just by drinking them. To see results , they must be part of a healthy and balanced diet. Read on to find out which teas can help you lose weight.

This is the way you should take advantage of these teas. However, they not only help you lose weight, but also keep your vital organs such as your liver and pancreas in good condition. In this article we will tell you which teas can help you lose weight.

Which teas can help you with weight loss? Green tea is one of the best

Two cups of green tea.

Green tea comes from an herb that is rich in antioxidants such as catechins and isoflavones. These  help your body prevent premature cellular aging. They also get your metabolism to work better, which helps keep your artery walls hardened.

Plus, thanks to their potassium and magnesium content, green tea helps remove excess fluids from the body. You can take green tea in different forms:

  • Tea: it should preferably be very hot or as an iced tea that can be mixed with other ingredients.
  • Powder: It can be used in all kinds of recipes.
  • Capsules: Note that the quality depends on the processing and its origin. Contact a specialist for the recommended dose.

Also read: Five ways magnesium strengthens your cognitive capacity


Artichoke has qualities that make it suitable if you want to remove excess fluids from your body. In its tea form, it is a diuretic, which also means that it helps to remove toxins from the body. Other qualities include:

  • It contains high levels of minerals which are very important for your metabolism including magnesium, calcium, iron and potassium.
  • It helps regulate your digestion and speeds up your metabolism, which will help you feel full longer. That way, you can more easily control your food intake and eat a more balanced diet.


Tea is poured into mugs.

Fucus is a brown algae and comes in many different varieties. It contains high levels of potassium and magnesium and therefore helps to remove excess fluids from your body.

Fucus is also rich in algin, which is a substance that can absorb up to 100 times its own weight in water. This further increases its ability to prevent fluid retention.

In addition, it provides carbohydrates and has good laxative and diuretic properties. It also stands out for its high iodine content, which means that it stimulates the thyroid gland.

That said, apart from its beneficial effects in relation to fluid retention, there is no clear evidence of its contribution to weight loss.

Also read: Four kinds of winter food for weight loss

Cayenne pepper

Drinking cayenne pepper tea helps you consume fewer calories during your day. Like the rest of the teas on our list, it helps prevent fluid retention. With regular consumption, cayenne pepper will stimulate your metabolism by up to 25%.

  • It is recommended to consume one teaspoon per. day, preferably between lunch and dinner.
  • Cayenne pepper can help you with your weight loss as long as it is part of a balanced and healthy diet.

Star anise too

A cup of hot anise tea.

Drink infusions made from star anise can help you lose weight. It is also an excellent diuretic that helps your body remove toxins and fluids.


  • 1 cup water (250 ml)
  • 2 or 3 star anise seeds


  • Add 2 or 3 star anise seeds to a cup of boiling water and drink it once a day.


Mint tea helps to satisfy your appetite, so you eat less and burn more calories. Like the other teas, it is also good for your fluid retention and thus also your weight loss.


  • 1 cup water (250 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon mint leaves (15 g)


  • Heat a cup of water until it boils. Then add your mint leaves to your cup.
  • Let it soak for a few minutes.
  • Drink it hot.

Which teas can help you lose weight?

We hope you like some of these recipes. Which teas can help you lose weight also depends on taste and pleasure. Sometimes a cup of tea can alleviate the dangerous delicious hunger.

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