7 Practical Remedies For Stuffy Nose In Minutes

Remedies for a stuffy nose involve oral remedies and even methods that are inhaled. For best results, it is best to combine both until the condition is relieved.
7 practical remedies for stuffy nose in minutes

A stuffy nose is a very bothersome symptom that is caused by allergies or a disease of the respiratory system. With these 7 remedies for nasal congestion, you can relieve the symptoms yourself.

It involves inflammation of the lining of the nose. This makes it difficult to breathe as the mucus blocks the nostrils.

A virus that spreads quickly and a weak immune system exacerbates this problem and triggers other unpleasant symptoms.

It usually disappears after a week or a few days. But one can speed up the recovery with a few homemade remedies against stuffy nose.

In this article, we will share 7 of these methods that one can perform to alleviate the discomfort. Let’s look at it!

1. Remedies for stuffy nose: Saline solution

When it comes to remedies for stuffy nose, salt water is a really good start.

A homemade saline solution is one of the oldest home remedies for a stuffy nose and to get rid of excess mucus.


  • 1 tablespoon sea salt (10 grams)
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 syringe without needle

Course of action

  • Boil the water, add the salt and let it cool.
  • Use 5 ml. of this solution in each nostril.
  • Repeat the treatment twice a day every day.

2. Inhalation of vapors

Inhaling steam is a good trick to open the trachea and to fight a stuffy nose.

Prepare boiling water and add a little soothing herbs to it, such as chamomile or eucalyptus.


  • 2 liters of water
  • 1 handful of chamomile flowers or eucalyptus leaves

Course of action

  • Add the selected herbs to the water and cook for 5 minutes.
  • Then remove it from the flame and cover your head with a towel. Begin by inhaling the vapor that is being excreted from the water.
  • You will feel an immediate relief because the moisture and heat will soothe the inflammation.

3. Homemade heating pad

A heating pad can also help against a stuffy nose, by increasing blood circulation.

Another way to use heat to relieve an inflamed nasal cavity is by putting on some form of heating pad.


  • 1 soft and absorbent cloth
  • 250 ml of warm water

Course of action

  • Soak the cloth in the warm water. Make sure the temperature is comfortable to the touch.
  • Apply the cloth on your nose and forehead with a light tap. Let it work for a few minutes.

4. Hot water with honey

Honey’s antibiotic properties help treat breathing problems and are therefore one of the best remedies for stuffy nose.

Drink it with warm water to improve breathing.


  • 2 teaspoons honey (15 grams)
  • 250 ml of water

Course of action

  • Pour the two teaspoons of honey into a cup of the warm water. Then drink it before going to bed.
  • Drink it every night until the symptoms are gone.

5. Ginger and lemon water

A good cup of tea is good against a stuffy nose.

Ginger has anti-flu properties as well as other properties that fight a stuffy nose. This can improve the health associated with breathing when it is under attack by a virus.


  • 1 piece of ginger root
  • The juice from 1/2 lemon
  • 1 teaspoon honey (7.5 grams)
  • 250 ml of water

Course of action

  • Bring the water to a boil. When it boils, remove from the heat and add the ginger root.
  • Let it stand and soak for 10 minutes. Then add the honey and lemon juice. Drink.
  • Drink it up to three times a day.

6. Garlic

The antibiotic properties of garlic are useful in fighting viruses and bacteria that accumulate in the trachea.

Its sulfur compounds reduce inflammation in the nostrils, which contributes to a stuffy nose.


  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 100 ml of water

Course of action

  • Squeeze the raw garlic and put it in a bowl with the water.
  • Let it stand and pull for a few hours. Then pour the liquid into a pipette.
  • Drizzle 10 drops into each nostril and repeat twice a day.

7. Onions

Onions stimulate the blood and the functions of the nose.

With very similar effects as garlic, onions are another good remedy for opening the nostrils and relieving the blockage.


  • 1 piece of onion

Course of action

  • Cut an onion in half and sauté it for 4 to 5 minutes.
  • Repeat this twice a day until the inflammation is relieved.

These simple remedies for a stuffy nose are just a few of the most used and most effective. But it is important to back them up by following a diet rich in vitamins C and antioxidants.

If your symptoms persist for more than a week, it is best to see a doctor and find other solutions.

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