How To Motivate Your Child To Study After The Holidays

Do you want to motivate your child to study after the holidays, but you do not know how? These simple tips will help your child get back to school.
How to motivate your child to study after the holidays

It’s Monday – the first day back at school after the holidays. While preparing everything, your child is not so active. Their minds are still on vacation and they are not particularly excited about having to return to their routine. Want to know how to motivate your child to study after the holidays?

Feeling a little dull after returning to your activities after a vacation is normal. But there are certain strategies that can help you resume your tasks.

If you are concerned that your child will have difficulty returning to their normal routine, read this article. We share some tips to help you.

How to motivate your child to study after the holidays

How to motivate your child to study after the holidays

The key to this is to plan  ahead. You should think about some activities you can plan for your child before their school starts, for their first day back in school and in their first weeks of school.

Here are some ideas:

Make use of educational activities

You can make use of educational activities, such as making scrapbooks, playing brain-activating games and guessing words with your child. You can also visit educational sites where your child can play fun games for free.

For example, if you want them to learn Spanish, you can enroll them in a short workshop for one or two weeks before returning to school.

If music is more for them, you can also sign them up for lessons in their favorite instrument, to activate their learning habits.

Create a healthy learning environment so they can study after the holidays

To motivate your child to study, you should create a homework room for them. It should be quiet, comfortable and free of distractions. It is important that they find this space attractive.

If you still have not chosen the place, take their opinion into consideration. Let them decorate it with their favorite items. If they already have a desk, changing the decor and decorating the room differently can create more inspiration.

Have fun with school supplies

Buying and renovating school supplies can be very appealing to children, especially if you allow them to choose the backpack, the notebooks and the pencil case that they like.

A child's blue backpack.

These school-related activities will create a connection between your child and the school and the homework that awaits them.

Re-establish their relationships with other children in school

You can invite a classmate to your home, or you can arrange a play date with their friends in the park, or to meet somewhere to get an ice cream.

Any apology will help them recreate their relationship with their schoolmates.

Do not let them play too many computer games

Your child has probably played a lot of computer games during their vacation.

Thus, before school begins, it is important to follow the specialists’ recommendation not to let them play computer games for more than two hours a day. This is necessary because it will make it easier for them to return to their old school routine.

Prepare them to wake up early to be able to study after the holidays

It is a good idea to prepare your child for the fact that they will have to get up early again to go to school. Going to bed and waking up early is convenient, not only for your child, but for the whole family.

Getting up early gives you time to prepare your child’s favorite breakfast. This way, they also get enough time to get ready for school without having to rush.

Rediscover their study habits

It is crucial to reorganize a routine that will motivate your child to study.

First, hang their schedule somewhere visible to them. Help them create a study plan during the week that you can tailor to their assignments.

A woman puts a calendar on the wall.

Your child needs to understand that studying is their responsibility. Even if you have to help them with their homework, you should avoid doing it for them.

To help promote study habits, pay attention to the following tips:

  • Assign them one hour of lesson time a day. Be persistent when it comes to this.
  • Allow them to take the necessary breaks or breaks during their lesson time.
  • Listen when your child asks for help, either from you or from a specialist.
  • Try not to lose your patience while helping them with their homework. Remind yourself to behave calmly in any case.

In the end, it’s never too late to motivate your child to study after the holidays. Each new school year is an opportunity to improve their relationship with their school and their chances of success in school.

As you can see, it depends a lot on you, so you should start making a plan as soon as possible.

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