What Is Breastfeeding In New Mothers?

“What was I going to do in the kitchen?”, “I did not know what to say”, “Where are my keys?”. These types of forgetfulness are normal during pregnancy and after birth. But what is “breastfeeding brain”?
What is breastfeeding in new mothers?

Many women complain of their memory loss when they become pregnant. But is “breastfeeding brain” (a form of memory loss that afflicts new mothers) a myth or a reality?

There are various published studies that point to the existence of changes in the brain in expectant mothers. These restructurings begin during pregnancy and are still present two years after birth.

However, is it true that there is such a thing as a breastfeeding brain? Let’s find out.

Breastfeeding brain is real

A large proportion of pregnant women say that they are more forgetful than usual. There are certain situations that these women point to as “common” in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. These include, for example, losing their cell phone or their keys, forgetting to buy things, forgetting to cook, forgetting appointments, and so on.

OK, but it can happen to anyone, right? How does it prove that certain omissions are due to pregnancy? The term breastfeeding brain was not invented by science, but it thrives among many mother groups.

Some doctors also admit that there are women who may temporarily lose their memory during and after pregnancy. This may be related to their hormonal changes. Maybe they are just worried about everything that has to do with their pregnancy and thus all the minor issues are banished to the background.

Also, exhaustion of new mothers may have something to do with forgetfulness after birth.

Also read: Eleven habits you should avoid during pregnancy

A decrease in brain mass in new mothers

Woman sitting with newspaper and pencil

According to a study from the University of Deakin in Australia, published in the Medical Journal of Australia, certain cognitive impairment occurs during pregnancy.

Researchers reviewed 20 studies comparing the cognitive functions of 709 pregnant women with 521 non-pregnant women. They concluded that pregnant women had poorer cognitive and memory functions than those who were not pregnant.

In any case, there is still more research to be done before one can claim that there is scientific backing behind the concept, breastfeeding brain.

Breastfeeding brain in new mothers

A mother's brain adapts to be able to meet the needs of its baby

While more research is needed to confirm or deny the existence of the breastfeeding brain, a 2010 study suggests that hormonal changes may be responsible for the decline in memory in a new mother.

These hormonal changes help the mother adapt to the demands of keeping her baby alive and healthy. The fact that the brain selects the weakest connections and eliminates them to focus on what really matters: Her emotional connection and response to a baby’s needs.

What exactly is a breastfeeding brain?

Pregnant woman symbolizes breastfeeding brain

As you can see, there is no conclusive scientific evidence to suggest that pregnant women and new mothers have a memory loss, as a general rule. However, many women say that this is actually the case.

Data from another study support the hypothesis that pregnancy affects a woman’s ability to perform certain tasks – specifically those related to spatial memory. Such forgetfulness may have something to do with the high levels of prolactin and progesterone in the body of an expectant mother.

Also read: Treatment of low metabolism during pregnancy

Let’s look at some common situations that usually happen to those affected by the breastfeeding brain. They can be related to the difficulties of spatial memory, which we mentioned above:

  • They put a lot of clothes in the washing machine and then forget to take it out.
  • They open the door and leave the keys in the keyhole on the outside.
  • Maybe they take in the supermarket, and can not remember what they would buy when they get there.
  • Similarly, they will forget that they have a dish in the oven… until the burning smell acts as a painful reminder, mind you!
  • Moreover, they might get up to do something and then forget what it was they wanted.

How to handle it

If you feel that you are more forgetful after you get pregnant, do not worry! Breastfeeding happens to many women. To reduce it, we recommend that you:

  • Write a to-do list and don’t go shopping without it.
  • Ask for help and try not to do everything yourself.
  • Try to rest (although it is not an easy task to perform when you have a baby at home). However, remember that your health is more important than having an immaculate house. Sleep when the baby does, if you can.
  • Enjoy some time for yourself. Ask your partner, friend or family member to take care of the baby whenever possible so that you can relax. Spend some time performing activities for your own pleasure.
  • Exercise.
  • Put puzzles or play memory games.
  • Eat a balanced diet. Your brain needs all the necessary nutrients to function properly.

Can you identify with some of the examples we gave above?

If so, you probably have a case of breastfeeding! Science may not have yet approved the term, and the data may be insufficient. However, it is a reality for many women and they stick to the expression.

What do you mean?

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