Prevent Bloating And Detoxify Your Body With This Salad

If you want to avoid indigestion in the evening, we recommend eating this salad in the afternoon.
Prevent bloating and detoxify your body with this salad

We have all experienced a sudden heavy, bloated stomach. You can not button your jeans and you feel tired, lack energy and are uncomfortable. Prevent bloating and detoxify your body with this salad!

These types of symptoms are usually caused by an accumulation of toxins, as well as poor nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, or simply a stressful, anxiety-filled day. But do not worry, all these problems can be easily overcome by improving your lifestyle habits.

You will notice a great improvement by making a few simple changes like a little more exercise, drinking more water, giving yourself some personal time, and above all, taking better care of yourself by eating a varied diet. One way to do that is by including this delicious salad in your diet.

Prevent bloating and detoxify the body with salad

How can we  prevent bloating  and detoxify the body at the same time? In fact, these are part of the same problem: fluid retention and an accumulation of toxins. What should we do?

  • Eat foods that are known for their detoxifying properties.
  • We need to eat foods that balance fluid in the body and control our sodium intake, which causes  fluid retention.
  • Eat foods high in potassium and other electrolytes that help cleanse the blood, remove toxins and reduce inflammation.

What foods prevent bloating and help detoxify?

  • Onions  are essential in any detox diet. Why? They are both diuretic and cleansing and promote elimination of accumulated fluid  and optimize liver and gallbladder function. And do not forget that sulfur compounds in onions (which are also responsible for their strong odor) possess an interesting antibiotic effect.
  • Cucumbers  Cucumber  is the king of any detoxifying and slimming diet. They are moisturizing and filling.
  • Watermelon  Watermelon goes well with salads. It is rich in vitamins C and B, potassium and lycopene, all of which are essential in cleansing and reducing fluid retention.
  • Avocado:  Avocado is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which are vital for heart health and  good circulation. Its delicate taste makes it an amazing ingredient in salads. Who does not like avocado?
  • Parsley Parsley is a well-known natural remedy for cleansing and strengthening the kidneys. It helps remove toxins from the blood. Do not be put off by its strong and bitter taste. It is a gift for your health.
  • Feta Cheese:  We will throw a few cubes of feta cheese into your salad because of its vitamins, proteins and minerals that make it nutritious and healthy. This strong cheese provides phosphorus, B-vitamin complex, folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin K, selenium, zinc, magnesium and iron.  It’s perfect!
  • Tomatoes  Who does not like tomatoes? They are cleansing and an essential part of any diet. do not forget to add them in this tasty salad to prevent bloating and  detoxify the body.

Prevent bloating and detoxify the body with this salad

Salad scale

Ingredients for two servings

  • 12 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 cucumber
  • 10 cubes of feta cheese
  • ½ red onion, chopped
  • 1 handful of chopped parsley
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
  • Season with black pepper


  • Start by washing everything.
  • Peel a squash, grate it and slice it, then chop the onion and parsley.
  • Cut the tomatoes in half if you like, that way they will catch more of the dressing and taste better.
  • Peel the avocado and remove the stone and cut it into pieces.
  • First, add the tomatoes, onions, cucumber and parsley in a bowl and turn it until well blended. Then add the dressing (oil and vinegar).
  • Because of their more delicate texture, add feta cheese and avocado at the end. Sprinkle with black pepper. We know you will just love this delicious salad!

When is the best time to eat this salad? It is usually best for lunch or your dinner meal. Salads are often not well digested in the evening, especially if they contain onions. But just feel how your body feels.

If you eat this salad two to three times a week and follow a low-fat diet and drink plenty of fluids, you will ventilate your abdominal cavity and  cleanse your body.

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