3 Situations Where You Should Avoid Playing Sports

Exercise is extremely beneficial for the body and therefore a necessary daily habit. However, there are certain situations where avoiding playing sports is the best decision.
3 situations where you should avoid playing sports

Exercise is not a modern habit: physical activity has always been important to society. Here you get 3 situations where you should avoid playing sports.

Since ancient times in ancient Greece, physical activity programs were performed. Playing sports was considered a priority for health, not to mention that the cult of the aesthetic image was a way of expressing power.

Why should you exercise?

Sport improves cardiovascular performance as it activates hemodynamic, hormonal, neurological and metabolic changes. Therefore, it improves the function of the respiratory system. Physical activity provides balance for your health.

Being in motion prevents osteoporosis, back pain and injury caused by poor posture. However, participating in sports may not always be a healthy activity . It depends on the form it takes and the conditions for where it is practiced.

When should you avoid playing sports?

Clearly, exercising excessively or incorrectly can be counterproductive. For example, people with high blood pressure should avoid exercising excessively as this can make their condition worse. But there are also certain circumstances where avoiding sports is the best option.

Here are three situations where you should avoid playing sports:

1. After not getting enough sleep

After spending a night with insomnia, we can sometimes believe that physical activity is the best way to wake up.


Performing an exercise routine after not resting well increases stress levels. Besides , in this scenario, the immune system is not prepared for the effort, so its defense disappears.

Not to mention that it will strain our muscles due to the lack of energy, which increases the risk of injury. You tense your muscles because you can not move the same way you would have done if you had rested well the night before.

But if you have not slept well the night before and do not want to miss your exercise routine, you can always go for a walk, jog or do half of what you would normally do.

2. After drinking alcohol

People who scale - play sports

Roughly speaking, drinking alcohol will not keep you from playing sports unless it is a physical activity that requires precision. This is because alcohol affects performance and strength, but especially coordination. Ethanol turns alcoholic beverages into a euphoric state and then into a depressive state, which reduces our reflexes in any situation.

In addition, it is important to remember that alcohol has diuretic effects, which can cause dehydration when doing physical activity. This is due to loss of fluids, vitamins and minerals.

Ethanol also prevents nutrients from being absorbed regularly, which promotes an increase in body weight.

3. After suffering some damage

It is very common for athletes to develop injuries while doing sports. Some of the typical reasons are:

  • Do not move properly
  • Do not heat up properly
  • Exercise more than usual
  • Wear inappropriate shoes
  • Lack of protection

Types of injuries

Among the most common injuries to athletes are:

  • Acute trauma. This includes fractures, sprains, cuts, etc. They can occur as a result of a blow or excessive force.
  • Overloaded injuries such as fractures due to excessive use or inflammation of tendons. They develop after performing a repetitive routine.


Some of the most common symptoms in case of injury are:

  • Intense pain or pain on touch
  • Stiffness and inflammation
  • Immobilization
  • Fracture or bone fracture.

If you have any of these symptoms, you should avoid playing sports.

However, it is also important that you go to a doctor. Then inform your trainer about your injury and treatment, and then gradually begin therapeutic exercises.

Recommendations for training

  • Put yourself in the hands of a certified sports specialist to perform a demanding physical activity.
  • Pay attention to technique and do not focus on strength, as it is useless to lift a large weight if you do it wrong.
  • Be consistent and avoid overloading yourself, as an excessive amount of exercise in a short time will not give you the results you can get over time.
  • Warm up. It is really important to stretch before starting a physical activity to prevent injuries and improve performance.
  • Start with an aerobic routine if you want to lose weight. But it is also important to lift weights as it strengthens your muscles.
  • Maintain a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Drink copious amounts of water as it is the only way to recover your body from physical exertion. It is important to drink water before, during and after exercise.

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