Tricks To Fight Sleep Apnea

Do you or one of your loved ones suffer from sleep apnea? Discover some healthy, natural tricks to combat this sleep disorder. 
Tricks to Fight Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a disorder that prevents you from breathing well while you sleep. Your breathing may stop for one to several seconds one or more times a night.

Sleep apnea

This is a common problem for those who suffer from asthma or difficulty breathing.

As you can imagine, this can lead to various health problems.

Sometimes it can happen 30 times or more per hour. But after the break, your breathing returns to normal. Sometimes it comes back with a loud snoring or a sound as if a person is suffocating.

Unfortunately, sleep apnea can upset your friends and family.

In this article we will give you some tricks so that you can avoid or alleviate the effect of sleep apnea.

Make a sleeping schedule

The most common way to treat sleep apnea is by making a sleep plan. Make sure the times are continuous and consistent.

This gives your body a “lighter” resting state. Remember that if you are not consistent or comfortable when you sleep, then it gives you a greater likelihood of muscular irregularities and breathing problems.

Try to get a solid seven to eight hours of sleep per night and make a specific sleep plan for yourself.

Lose Weight

Woman takes herself on the side fat

Obesity is loosely related to sleep apnea. This is because your body is overloaded with unnecessary body mass.

Fat accumulates in the neck and neck. This is dangerous because it blocks your airways. This causes snoring and stops your lungs from working at their best level.

The best thing is to work on your diet. You should include natural foods and try to exercise as much as possible.

This process of losing weight will require effort, especially if you have had bad habits for a long time. Because of this, it is better to start by changing it little by little.

Slept on the side

When you sleep with your face up, it is much harder for your respiratory system to solve the problems of sleep apnea. This includes blocked air passages.

Your heavy and soft tissue in your throat falls naturally. If you sleep on your back, they fall to the back of your mouth. This blocks your air passage and causes snoring.

Sleep on your side, place a pillow between your knees while you sleep. This keeps you unconscious from changing your position and is better for your back.

It is important that you always avoid sleeping on your back or stomach. These two positions cause interrupted sleep. Additionally, you will end up snoring a lot more.

Add exercise to your routine

Woman lying on a yoga mat

As we said, losing weight is important to avoid sleep apnea. Achieving this is impossible if you do not make exercise a part of your life.

Persistent exercise also strengthens your airways.

If that was not enough, then you help your body rest later when you make exercise a part of your day.

This means that when you try to fall asleep, then you will fall asleep much easier.

Make sure you get enough magnesium

Sleep apnea mainly affects the muscles of your upper neck. That means you have to make sure they can do their job.

Magnesium is an essential mineral that directly affects the muscles throughout the body. Because of this, be sure to consume the right amount.

You can take magnesium supplements or foods such as:

  • Leafy vegetables
  • Bananas
  • Prayers
  • Avocados
  • Several types of nuts and seeds

Our recommendation is to eat enough foods that are rich in magnesium. This is the best way to stay healthy without spending too much money on pills.

Stay away from tobacco.

Woman smoking

Smoking is one of the leading causes of sleep apnea. This is especially true in cases of obstructive sleep apnea. The chemicals in smoking or tobacco products cause contraction, inflammation and irritation in your airways.

If you want to stop snoring, you should stop smoking as one of the first things.

It is best to avoid cigarettes and tobacco in all its forms. If you really need something in your mouth, try electronic cigarettes.


Maybe you do not expect this tip. But singing strengthens the soft tissues of your palate and throat.

By increasing your muscular control in these areas, you reduce the likelihood of your airways becoming blocked. This happens after all due to loose or relaxed muscles.

Now that you know about this, sing once in a while. It does not matter if you do not have a good voice. All you have to do is choose your favorite song and sing in the shower.

Also remember: Singing helps you naturally get rid of your stress!

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