How To Make A Garlic And Lemon Ointment For The Treatment Of Varicose Veins

This treatment is very effective if you are patient and use it frequently. In addition to preventing outbreaks of varicose veins, it will also help stop the spiders from getting worse.
How to make a garlic and lemon ointment for the treatment of varicose veins

Did you know that it is possible to make your own garlic and lemon ointment for the treatment of varicose veins?

Besides being natural and homemade, it is also very effective if you use it regularly. This way you will be able to prevent this complication and have healthy youthful legs!

In this article we will share the recipe for this ointment. We will also tell you all about the healthy properties of garlic and lemon. Both ingredients are remarkable for their incredible cosmetic uses at home.

Try this ointment! It’s really easy and you will definitely be amazed at the results!

Natural treatments

When treating varicose veins naturally, you should always consider the following things:

  • Always eat a balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts.
  • Regular exercise is also very important.
  • Stop bad habits like alcohol abuse or smoking.
  • Avoid staying in the same position for extended periods of time, whether you are standing or sitting down.
  • Wear clothes and shoes that fit properly.
  • Dietary supplements or medicinal plants can help improve your blood circulation.

In addition to following these tips and guidelines, you can also supplement them with a very simple homemade natural ointment. It is a garlic and lemon ointment for treating varicose veins and you can make it yourself very cheaply.


Healing ingredients

We use 5 ingredients to make this garlic and lemon ointment for treating varicose veins. Each ingredient has several extremely beneficial healthy properties for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins:

  • Garlic : Garlic is very effective in treating varicose veins, whether ingested or applied externally. This superfood has a powerful vasodilating and fluidizing effect on the blood, which helps improve blood circulation.
  • Lemon : Lemons also help blood circulation thanks to the citric acid content. In addition, it is a powerful antioxidant and it helps to remove skin surfaces.
  • Olive oil : Olive oil is the oily base of this ointment. It gives the right texture to the ointment so you can easily apply it. It is also used to soak the garlic. This way you do not have to apply the garlic directly. Its mono-unsaturated fats provide a lot of nourishment to the skin and increase its elasticity.
  • Aloe vera : Aloe vera is the ideal ingredient for emulsifying the oil and makes the ointment easier to apply. It is also refreshing and soothes the inflammation, as well as hydrates and protects the skin. You can either naturally extract the juice from the stem of the plant, or you can buy it. However, it should be as clean as possible.
  • Rosemary oil : The final ingredient in this ointment is rosemary oil. This pure essence is one of the effective remedies when it comes to increasing blood circulation and improving oxygenation of the area you are applying it to. In addition, it also gives the ointment a better scent and hides the smell of garlic. If you do not have this oil in the house, you can add fresh rosemary leaves when you crush garlic in the oil.

Garlic and lemon ointment for the treatment of varicose veins


  • 10 cloves garlic
  • The juice from 1 lemon
  • 1 glass of olive oil (200 ml)
  • ½ glass of aloe vera juice (100 ml)
  • 20 drops of rosemary oil
Garlic and lemon

How to make the ointment

  • First, peel the garlic and chop the fat.
  • Then squeeze the juice from the lemon.
  • Put both ingredients in a glass jar with olive oil and shake to mix them. Then seal the jar tightly so that it is airtight.
  • Leave it for 21 days in a dark place.
  • After the three weeks have passed, use a sieve to remove the garlic from the liquid. You can throw the garlic out.
  • Add the aloe vera juice to the oil and mix them well to get a good ointment consistency.
  • Add the rosemary oil to enhance the scent.


  • Every night before going to bed, apply this ointment on the affected areas and then cover with a bandage or cloth.
  • If the smell does not bother you, you can repeat the process in the morning.

This treatment is very effective if you are patient and use it frequently. In addition to preventing the onset of varicose veins, it will also help treat the spider veins .

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