Palumboism: The Effects Of Excess Steroids On Bodybuilders

Palumboism is a consequence of anabolic drugs. Over time, it can cause physical disproportion. Read more about its origins in this article.
Palumboism: The effects of excess steroids in bodybuilders

The effects of excess steroids in bodybuilders are a very important topic.

Palumboism is a rare physical condition that affects bodybuilders who abuse some performance-enhancing drugs. In particular, it causes an enlargement of the abdomen and to a lesser extent the chest and extremities.

This expression comes from an athlete named Dave Palumbo who competed between 1995 and 2004. The physical changes he experienced were so obvious that they attracted the attention of many researchers and fans in the field. For this reason, the condition was eventually named after him.

It is rare today, so therapeutic options remain scarce.

But what does it really consist of? What is the possible treatment?

Below we tell you everything you need to know.

How does a bodybuilder build muscle?

The process of muscle growth or hypertrophy takes time and effort. It is something that bodybuilders are well aware of. From a molecular point of view, muscles are made up of abundant proteins that can contract to allow movement of this tissue.

During training sessions, a high level of stress is generated in the muscle. This causes the breakdown of some fiber, which with a sufficient supply of proteins and carbohydrates through the diet can be replaced and even created in greater quantity.

The latter gives rise to muscle growth, which is constant among these athletes as they have to adapt to more and more demanding situations.

A man who lifts weights

The role of certain substances in muscle growth

Numerous factors, such as the activity of certain hormones, affect hypertrophy. For example, testosterone is a steroid hormone that promotes the growth of this and other organs. So excess steroids can cause problems in this regard.

In fact, this is one of the reasons why men tend to have larger body proportions than women. The set of substances that promote the growth of a particular tissue is called “anabolic”.

It is the opposite of those that degrade or reduce the size of certain organs, called “catabolic”. Testosterone, growth hormone and insulin are anabolic. Cortisol, on the other hand, is a catabolic hormone.

Excess steroids in bodybuilders: What is palumboism and what is its origin?

Palumboism refers to the increase in abdominal girth that occurs in bodybuilders who abuse certain drugs. When cases began to be documented in the wake of Dave Palumbo’s photographs, the origin of the disease was not very clear.

Although often associated with the use of anabolic steroids – substances derived from testosterone that optimize muscle growth – growth hormone and insulin are more likely to be responsible.

According to a release from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), both drugs are banned in competitions. This is not only because of the negative health effects but also because of the temporary advantage it provides over other competitors.

What causes enlargement of the stomach?

Excess growth hormone, also called “somatotropin”, causes acromegaly or gigantism. This condition usually occurs as a result of a tumor in the pituitary gland located at the back of the skull.

Affected patients experience excessive growth of many of their organs, limbs and even parts of the face. In the case of palumboism, excessive administration of growth hormone and insulin may have the same effects on the growth of organs in the stomach.

Palumboism, however, is not common and affects only a small proportion of bodybuilders who abuse drugs. In some patients, these symptoms often occur when they follow a hypercaloric diet or if there are certain stressors.

A man with pills

Possible treatment for excess steroids in bodybuilders

According to a publication of the portal Health Research Policy, palumboism can not be cured. Symptoms can be reduced if the person stops using drugs, although they are not always completely reversed.

Some people may benefit from psychological or psychiatric therapy aimed at avoiding these self-destructive habits. This can become more difficult for those who live off the financial gains of competitions.

Regular use of anabolic steroids or excess steroids can lead to social problems, while sudden discontinuation of anabolic steroids can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms. For these reasons, the US National Institute on Drug Abuse considers these drugs to be addictive.

Prevention of excess steroids in bodybuilders

The most obvious measure that a person can take to prevent this disease is to stop consuming anabolic drugs. Although many of them occur naturally in the human body, excessive administration for recreational or athletic purposes is often counterproductive.

Responsible competition and no surplus of steroids

In conclusion, you can avoid many problems by not abusing anabolic drugs. Competitions should seek to promote competitiveness and personal growth, but always under healthy conditions.

Palumboism is a good example of the consequences this behavior can generate. Fortunately, there are very few cases.

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