Natural Treatment For Nail Problems

Nails are a part of everyone’s appearance. Therefore, it is important to take proper care of them. Learn how in this article!
Natural treatment for nail problems

Many different things can cause nail problems. However, they all do not look particularly nice. In fact, the  condition of the nails actually tells a lot about a person’s general health as well.

Nails are hard pieces of skin that protect the toes and fingers.  They are formed by keratin, which is a fibrous hard protein that forms these layers in the nail. When the nail looks fine, it is generally believed that everything is fine. If instead it is weak or has a strange color, then you need to pay attention.

When it comes to aesthetics,  hygiene is absolutely essential  in all of the forms and meanings of orders. Looking good is influenced by all the factors that can be appreciated by sight. Because of this,  there are all sorts of beauty products and treatments available. And it’s always exciting to try a little different, right?

The best we can advise you is that if you want to take care of your beauty, always choose the natural products before you start using the chemical ones. Moisturizer, nail polish, nail polish remover and other care products that seem harmless to the naked eye can actually be what causes outbreaks of fungus, sores, stains, bad odors, ingrown toenails and sometimes even nail polish.

In this article, we share the best natural treatments for various common nail problems.

Natural treatment for nail problems

1. Treatment of fungus

Nail problems such as fungus

Fungus is one of the most common nail problems. It is an infection that goes in and changes the health of your nail. This can be due to poor hygiene, moisture or a very hot environment, which corrodes the keratin. To combat this discomfort in a natural way,  it is best to use tea tree oil  that contains powerful antiseptics. It is at least as effective as many of the creams and oils from professional laboratories that must counteract fungus.

Here’s how you do it

  • Put it on after the bath after you have dried yourself.
  • Put a few drops on the area of ​​the nail itself and let it dry.
  • Repeat this  every day after the bath  until you can see a noticeable difference.

2. Treatment of brittle nails

Clean nails

This is another normal of the many nail problems. Crackling can be caused by many different factors,  from your general health, to being constantly exposed to products that make keratin weaker. If you want to treat them in a completely natural way, then we recommend that you take good care of your diet and consume enough foods that are rich in calcium such as milk, cheese and nuts. Another method of cutting them can be:

  • Almond oil and lemon.  Mix the ingredients well and put it on the nails for 2 minutes, then rinse it off with water.
  • Coconut oil.  Massage your nails with warm oil and let it work for 1 minute.
  • Argan oil. Massage your nails with the oil as part of your manicure routine for approx. 2 minutes.

3. Broken nails

Broken nails

Chemicals such as cleaning products, citrus, and  other very sharp agents can slowly damage your nails.  They prevent them from growing strong, and they are also to blame for the fact that they break very often.

We know that nails are a part of the body that has contact with almost everything. But,  we have to take care of them.  Keep in mind that they act as an indicator of your overall health.

Here’s how you do it

  • Always wear gloves during the process.
  • From time to time, we recommend that you apply a coat of shine to protect them.
  • Eat foods that help them grow like milk, eggs, avocado and spinach.
  • Have a routine of manicures and pedicures every week. It is not something that is necessarily mandatory, but you need to make sure that your nails grow properly and keep an eye on their condition.

4. Ingrown nails

Ingrown nails - nail problems

This is one of the most annoying nail problems that exists.  Ingrown nails often come about because you walk in bad footwear,  that your nails grow incorrectly, or that you are bad at either maintaining or cutting them. It happens normally with the nail on the big toe. But it can happen with any nail.

Here’s how you do it

  • Put the foot with the bad nail in warm water, let it stay there for a few minutes, and then dry it really well afterwards.
  • Gently massage to the affected area with either olive or almond oil.
  • Place a small piece of wet cotton under the nail.
  • When the area is soft, cut the nail gently, but a clean and sharp nail clipper.
  • Cut it straight where you, for example, give it a more square shape.

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