10 Possible Causes Of Pain In The Body

Body aches are a common symptom that many ailments can cause. From temporary discomfort to chronic autoimmune diseases, they are capable of causing discomfort that affects a person’s quality of life.
10 possible causes of body aches

Many different ailments can cause pain in the body. In fact, it is such a common symptom that it can be associated with just about any disorder. It is also one of the most common reasons why people go to the doctor.

Pain in the body is  a subjective perception which has an emotional impact and worsens the quality of life of the affected person. This is especially remarkable in chronic cases.

Many times the development of pain is acute, as in the case of infection, and it is expected to be self-limiting. On the other hand, in other cases it can become prolonged and even chronic.

Today we will talk about  10 possible causes of pain in the body,  which are relatively common in the general population.

The 10 most common causes of body aches

Woman is snotty

1. Influenza

Influenza is an acute respiratory disorder that most commonly occurs in the winter. It is caused by the influenza A or B virus. It affects people from all over the world.

The infectious process itself is self-limiting and uncomplicated. However, it is associated with higher mortality rates in certain risk groups  such as those who suffer from chronic diseases and have weakened immune systems. Experts recommend an annual preventive vaccine for these groups.

Uncomplicated flu can last for a week or more. It causes respiratory symptoms such as mucus, sore throat and cough along with fever, headache, muscle aches and weakness. Inflammation, especially in the throat, chest and lungs, can also be painful.

 2. Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is the most common cause of chronic widespread pain in muscles and bones. It affects 2 to 8% of the population. The pain also causes fatigue, memory problems and sleep disorders. Its true origin is still unknown.

It  mostly affects women between the ages of 20 and 55.  During a physical examination, health professionals typically do not detect abnormalities other than widespread tenderness in the soft tissues. Laboratory tests and radiological examinations can even have normal results.

The goal of treatment is thus to reduce the primary symptoms of this disorder. Medical professionals use a variety of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments. Rehabilitation sessions, massages, alternative treatments such as acupuncture and therapy are also helpful.

Chronic fatigue syndrome and body aches

Chronic fatigue syndrome is another disease of unknown etiology. It is chronic and can affect a large part of the body. It is thus a debilitating disorder which  limits the activities of the affected person.

However, the National Academy of Sciences  developed a set of diagnostic criteria to facilitate diagnosis. According to these criteria:

  • There must be a remarkable reduction or inhibition in the ability to  take part in work, educational social and personal activities at the same level as before the disease.
  • It must last for more than six months and be accompanied by exhaustion.
  • It is often profound, is of new or definite occurrence (not lifelong) and is not the result of sustained extreme exertion.
  • As the latter, the  pain is partially relieved at rest.

4. Lupus

Lupus is  a chronic autoimmune disease  (the immune system attacks its own tissues) of unknown etiology. It can actually affect all organs and it does not focus on a particular system. Due to injury and inflammation, pain in the body is common.

Patients may also suffer from fatigue, rash, occasional fever, swelling and redness around joints, seizures and hypersensitivity to sunlight. Treatment is complex because the patient’s response to drugs may vary.

5. Lyme disease

Lyme disease is a disease spread by ticks. It is characterized by the presence of characteristic skin rash in the form of erythema (red spots). It also causes joint pain, fatigue, headaches and even muscle pain.

6. Contagious mononucleosis and body aches

Epsterin-Barr virus causes infectious mononucleosis. This disorder is also known as kissing disease as it spreads through saliva.

It causes  fever, laryngitis, fatigue, swollen tonsils, headaches, general malaise and pain in the body. Although self-limiting, it physically exhausts patients. During the most active period of this disorder, it becomes impossible for patients to perform basalgae activities.

7. Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, systemic disorder of unknown etiology. Although experts know that the underlying process that causes it is autoimmune, many different situations can lead to the occurrence of symptoms.

It primarily affects the joints symmetrically and leads to deterioration of them, causing deformities. In addition to pain, patients may also suffer from fatigue, malaise, weight loss and depression. The fact that it is chronic and that it develops in acute episodes makes it difficult to treat.

Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a demyelinating disease. In other words, it damages myelin on neurons. It is autoimmune and is the most common of these disorders of the central nervous system.

Patients may suffer from pain, a buzzing sensation and other abnormal emotions. Other symptoms include weakness, fatigue, blurred vision, temporary or permanent blindness, difficulty walking and standing, and memory loss.

9. Dehydration

Dehydration occurs when the  body loses more water, ingesting it from food and beverages. Vomiting, diarrhea, high fever and drugs that cause more frequent urination than usual can cause it. Children and older adults are more likely to suffer from it.

Water in the body is an essential element for proper bodily functions. Dehydration thus causes several symptoms such as extreme thirst, a little urine, dry mouth, dry lips, confusion and fatigue. It causes pain in the body because  when the muscles are dehydrated, they produce toxic substances which irritate nerve endings.

10. Muscle weakness caused by drugs

Finally, many drugs are prescribed by doctors, and drug abuse can cause these conditions. The manifestations range from mild muscle pain and weakness to severe chronic damage with kidney failure.

Overall, some examples are drugs and substances that cause muscle weakness, alcohol, cocaine, glucocorticoids, statins, antipsychotics, colchicine, and antiretroviral drugs. The side effects do not always appear. However, you should  be careful if you take these remedies.

Body aches can have many causes

In short, the causes of body aches are so varied that it would be impossible to name them all! Today we mentioned the most common and those that affect the general population the most.

If you have persistent pain that you can not explain and that also changes your quality of life, then you should go to a doctor. It is important to identify the reasons for getting appropriate treatment based on your needs. Avoid self-medication and make an appointment with your doctor to talk about your concerns.

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