7 Foods To Avoid If You Suffer From Acid Reflux

Although these are the foods that are most often related to acid reflux, each person should assess which foods are causing them the most problems and try to avoid them.
7 foods you should avoid if you suffer from acid reflux

Acid reflux is a digestive problem. It is characterized by a strong burning sensation in the upper abdomen. It almost always extends to the esophagus and mouth. In this article you will get 7 foods you should avoid if you suffer from acid reflux.

It occurs when the esophageal sphincter is weakened. This allows acidic substances to pass into the upper part of the body. The pain may be mild or severe. In fact, in some cases it is confused with the pain of a heart attack.

The main reason is bad food combinations and large portions. However, it can also happen due to specific anomalies in the esophagus and digestive diseases.

It does not tend to be severe and usually occurs sporadically. However, it is important to treat it so that it does not generate any other complications.

Also, to fully control it, there are certain foods that tend to aggravate the problem. Therefore, you should avoid them.

In this article, we want to share the information about the 7 most important foods that make it worse so you can try to exclude them from your diet.

1. Red meat

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Red meat is an essential source of protein. In small portions, it can benefit the body.

Despite this, it is not recommended for people suffering from acid reflux. After all, many of its components can make this disorder worse.

  • Its purines and acid compounds affect the digestive process and increase the production of stomach acid.
  • On the other hand, it is a very fatty food that can cause slow digestion and constipation.

2. Coffee

Thanks to its delicious taste and the energy it provides, coffee is one of the world’s most widely used beverages.

It contains antioxidants and vitamins and minerals that, in moderate amounts, improve health.

However, it is not a suitable food for those who tend to suffer from acid reflux. This is because caffeine can trigger this symptom.

This substance acts as a relaxant for the valves that regulate the flow of stomach acid. Thus, it can make it easier for it to return to the throat and mouth.

Processed meat and preserves

Processed meat and preserves can cause indigestion. This happens especially when we suffer from recurrent episodes of reflux or acid.

Their high content of sodium and artificial ingredients causes irritation of the stomach. As a result, it facilitates the return of the acids to the esophagus.

On the other hand, they contain saturated fats, flour and sugar. Once assimilated by the body, these can cause metabolic disorders and digestive problems.

4. Strong spices

Consumption of strong spices can cause fluctuations in the stomach acids and can sometimes be irritating to the stomach mucus.

Although they do not tend to cause problems in small portions, some people suffer from acid reflux and burning sensations after eating them.

Overall, it is important to minimize your consumption of strong spices, especially in combination with other irritating foods.

5. Chocolate


A small amount of chocolate every day can provide our body with antioxidant compounds, vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to our health.

However, it is not the best option for those who tend to suffer from these digestive problems. This is because it can be annoying.

Eating chocolate when you are suffering from acid causes increased weakness in the flaps of the lower part of the esophageal sphincter, making the symptom worse.

This is due to its content of fats, caffeine and theobromine. These are substances associated with excessive production of stomach acids.

6. Fried food

Fried foods, especially of industrial origin, are potential enemies of metabolism and the formation of digestive diseases.

They contain high doses of trans fats, added chemicals and salt. Together, they irritate the stomach ulcers and alter the pH of the digestive system.

Eating them increases the production of acids and causes recurrent episodes of reflux and gastritis.

Among other things, eating it can excessively affect the inflammatory processes in the body. Thus, it increases the stomach pressure.

7. Fine flour

Buns - suffer from acid reflux

Processed bread, bakery products and all recipes that contain refined flour worsen the health of those who have these types of digestive symptoms.

  • First of all , they produce an acidic environment in the stomach and esophagus.
  • Plus, they also cause inflammation in the tissues.
  • Their carbohydrates are harder to assimilate and can increase blood glucose levels.

Given the above, they should be eaten in moderation. After all, they increase the risk of ulcers and gastritis.

Do you tend to include these foods in your diet? If this is the case and if you suffer from acid reflux, it is best that you start limiting how much you eat them so that you can control this condition.

Keep in mind that while antacids can help treat reflux, the best way to avoid them is through good eating habits.

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