The Story Of The Cooked Seed: When Abuse Becomes Normal

You may have heard the story before: When one heats a frog up slowly, the frog does not reach to discover that something is wrong until it is too late.
The story of the cooked seed: When abuse becomes normal

The story of the cooked seed can help us understand something about our own emotional lives. Like the frog, we too can slowly get used to a terrible situation without being able to see that we are in danger.

You keep yourself in a vicious circle that worsens your mental and emotional state until you are completely burned out.

Olivier Clerc, French author and philosopher, was the person who used a single explanation to create this precise and illustrative story of “the boiled seed”. Let’s take a more in-depth look at what that means and how we can learn something from it.

The boiled seeds

Woman with wooden dove by the ear

This narrative is based on the true physical law. It states that “if the rate at which the water temperature is heated is slower than 0.02 degrees per second. minute, a seed will remain calm and die when the water gets too hot. At any greater speed, the frog will leap out and flee. ”

So if you put a seed in a pot of water and start heating it up slowly. Then the  frog simply adjusts its body temperature gradually.

When the water starts to boil the frog will no longer be able to adapt to the temperature, and will then try to spring out.

But unfortunately, the frog can no longer escape at this point. Because it has used all its energy to adjust its temperature, it no longer has the strength to escape.

As a consequence , the frog boils to death and will be unable to jump out and save itself.

This raises the question: what killed the frog? Was it the boiling water, or its inability to make the decision as to when it should spring out?

If you had immersed it in a pot of 50 degree hot water, it would have popped out right away to save itself. But because it tolerated the gradual increase in temperature, it never realized that it could and should have jumped out.

Woman with wintered heart

The quiet aggravation that leads us to pretend we are okay

When the emotional deterioration is slow, it goes unnoticed. This proves our lack of reaction, which is why we do nothing about it and end up drowning in a toxic air that slowly poisons us all.

When a change occurs slowly enough, it escapes our attention. It therefore fails to cause any kind of reaction or resistance.

In this way, there are certain types of romantic relationships, jobs, family situations, friends and even social situations where it is not uncommon to see people “boiling” just like in the story of the frog.

So when addiction, pride, selfishness or demands begin to manifest itself little by little ,. Then it’s hard to realize how harmful it is to be in this place.

In fact, it can feel good when your partner needs you. If your boss trusts you to give you assignments, or when a trusted friend is constantly demanding your attention.

However, over time , these requirements slowly reduce your reaction time and reaction time. It depletes all your energy and your ability to see that it is not really a healthy relationship.

Woman sitting on a cage

This silent process of adapting to the discomfort will ruin you and it will slowly as well as very subtly take control of your life. This prevents you from noticing and preparing you to respond in a way that truly suits your needs.

This is why it is imperative that you make a conscious effort to keep your eyes open and know what you want. It’s the only way you can take control of your life.

The only way to grow is to feel uncomfortable in fashion for a short while.

Often, a lot of the people around you will not like it when you decide to follow and prioritize your own rights. They are already used to you adapting to them, and for them, this change of attitude is unpleasant.

Sometimes remember to say “stop!” This helps guarantee your well-being and protect your own self-love, dignity and interests.

So always remember the cooked seed and avoid falling into a deep hole of pain that could have been prevented if it had been noticed in time.

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