Why You’re Fat Around The Belly: 8 Reasons You Did Not Know About

Did you know that if you do not get enough sleep, it can affect your weight? When you are not sleeping well, your body releases less of the hormone, which lets you know when you are full, so you stop eating.
That's why you're fat around the belly: 8 reasons you did not know

Most people have to fight abdominal fat constantly because fat on this part of the body is easy to build and hard to get rid of. The stomach is one of the areas on the body that can change the most and gaining fat that can have a negative impact on your health. Studies have shown that abdominal fat is not only an aesthetic problem – it can cause loss of bone density, put you at risk for osteoporosis and increase the chance of developing asthma. This is why it is important that you know what causes abdominal fat so that you can find the solution that is right for you. In this article, we give you 8 reasons you did not know why you are fat around the belly.



Researchers at the Sanford Burnham Institute have determined that genetics can cause fat to be stored in different parts of the body. Other studies have also shown that genetics play an important role in how satiated each person feels. People who are genetically predisposed to eat more also tend to accumulate more abdominal fat. And if other members of your family have a problem with this, you may also be more likely to build belly fat.

Not enough sleep

People who do not get enough sleep tend to consume more calories and store more abdominal fat . When you do not get enough sleep, your levels of the hormone leptin decrease, while the level of ghrelin increases, and both of these cause weight gain. According to some studies, people who only sleep for six hours every day are almost 27% more likely to become overweight than those who sleep more than nine hours.


Like poor sleep, stress also causes hormonal changes that can cause you to gain weight. According to Patricia Ramirez, a nutritionist, our adrenal glands in times of stress release hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. When cortisol levels rise, it releases stored body fat especially in the abdominal region.

Too little exercise

Woman lifting weights

Getting regular exercise is one of the best ways to keep your metabolism active and burn more fat. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland have found that exercise is an important part of achieving and maintaining your ideal weight, because belly fat is more than just a problem for appearance – it is important for your health. Burning fat through exercise is one of the best ways to ensure good cardiovascular health.

Poor diet

Eating foods rich in carbohydrates and fats is another major cause of building up abdominal fat. Supermarkets and restaurants today are full of unhealthy opportunities and as a consumer you need to know how to identify them. Foods that are known to cause obesity include:

  • Processed foods
  • Dried meat
  • Bleached flour
  • Canned soda

Therefore, you need to lead a healthy diet for yourself that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and plenty of water.

Drinking too much alcohol

Excessive alcohol consumption can cause weight gain because you are drinking empty calories. In a study published by the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the researchers found that high alcohol consumption can make people 50% more likely to store abdominal fat.

Some specific medicine


Some types of medication can cause weight gain if taken for too long. Medications prescribed to treat diabetes, seizures, mood swings, migraines, high blood pressure, steroids, birth control pills and hormone replacement are among the usual suspects. But we should be aware that not everyone causes weight gain and the effect can vary from person to person.

Snacks between meals

While eating several small meals during the day is a recommended technique to lose weight and increase your metabolism, eating unhealthy snacks between meals can cause the opposite effect. Foods like potato chips, cakes and sweets only increase your calorie intake and store more abdominal fat.

What else can you do to fight belly fat?

Smoothies - fat around the stomach

Whatever is the cause of your abdominal fat accumulating, you need to find a way to fight it. To prevent the health problems associated. Some important ways to fight abdominal fat include:

  • Maintain a healthy diet
  • Do cardiovascular and localized exercises
  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Charge your body
  • Avoid too much alcohol
  • Chew the food completely

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