7 Tips To Increase Your Self-confidence

In addition to showing others a certain attitude, your body language can also positively influence how you feel and help you be more confident.
7 tips to increase your self-confidence

Your body language is a silent orchestra that you are not always aware of. However, it has a direct impact on your environment and the people around you. In this article, we give you 7 tips to increase your confidence.

Checking it, knowing it and understanding its secrets will help you. You can e.g. enhance your first-hand impression. This makes you more attractive. It can give you better resources to persuade others, etc.

This does not mean that you surround yourself with strategies that salespeople or politicians use towards an audience.

We talk about the ability to increase your self-confidence to have better control over your conversations, job interviews and even the way you seduce others.

We will give you 7 keys to improving your body language in these contexts. We are sure they will be a great help.

Our tips to increase your self-confidence are as follows:

1. Body language and your visual language

Your brain sends your intentions. If you want something, your eyes are the first thing looking for this. They are the first to show your intentions.

So your eyes are the first way and tool used in body language. So why not make the most of it?

  • Never lower your gaze during a conversation.
  • Look directly at the person while talking to them.
  • Remember that your eyes show your emotions. So try to show calmness, determination and personal confidence.

2. Good posture and personal space

While talking to the person in front of you, it is important that you keep an eye on your posture.

Your back should be straight, your shoulders relaxed, your neck straight and not bent forward.

  • Your posture reflects your posture. To boost your self-confidence and convince others of what you are saying, do not resort to extremes. In other words, you do not have to have a military work position or be very relaxed.
  • Ideally, you want a mix between being natural and safe. To do this, it is important that you take care of your personal space.
  • Put yourself at a good distance. Do not push yourself into the other person. But at the same time there is a certain closeness where the conversation is natural and glances are shared as equals.

3. Always show your hands

Two people having a conversation

If you are in for a job interview, a special dinner or a serious interview with another person, never hide your hands. Do not put them in the pockets under the table or cross your arms.

Let them be the baton that performs your words and expressions of your emotions. Let them move with you naturally. Make them free!

4. Silence and calm for a moment can be a good strategy

Following the metaphor that your body language is like an orchestra, it is like an ensemble of instruments that plays a role in attracting your audience.

  • As you already know, music will not be the same without silence. So in order to have a direct impact on those in front of you, you also need to make use of this from time to time.
  • For example, when the other person says something that you do not agree with, instead of immediately reprimanding or responding to them, then you make use of silence. Smile a little. Relax.

Sometimes silence is a way to show wisdom. Make good use of it.

5. Hold an object while talking

To have a direct impact on someone or a group of people, it is always helpful to wear a pencil, pen or even glasses when speaking.

  • Having these objects or accessories with an “intellectual” connotation will create an image of self-confidence in front of an audience.
  • At the same time, holding something helps you channel your anxiety.

6. Nod with your head

Man and woman talking - boost your confidence

Nodding your head is an important strategy for your body language. This is a way to connect with the person in front of you. It validates what they say. Nodding your head also shows openness or interest.

That does not necessarily mean that you agree with what they say. It is part of a sign of respect and trust. It allows you to create a positive environment for reaching agreement. Nodding with your head gives the image of a confident, respectful and intelligent person.

7. Look for a point that you are comfortable with.

To convince others of something, you do not have to be an actor. You do not need to use excessive movements or unbalanced conversations that do not allow others to speak.

Practicing your body language is the art of being yourself, but by controlling these key points you can create influence without resorting to theatrical actions.

We should say that this is not easy. To do this, you need to work hard on your self-esteem, self-confidence and even your nervous traits. Sometimes you are used to hiding or channeling your nerves or insecurities.

In conclusion, we want to feel more comfortable in our everyday relationships. We can also increase our ability to attract people and be more confident in front of others. Because of this, we should challenge ourselves with these light body language patterns.

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