8 Questions To Ask Yourself At The Beginning Of A New Relationship

You have heard it before: to start a new relationship and be happy, you must more than anything else have overcome the past and love yourself. Learn about this and the 8 important questions to ask yourself before beginning a new relationship.
8 questions to ask yourself at the beginning of a new relationship

Starting a new relationship can be challenging. Especially when one can see a number of broken conditions in the rearview mirror.

If you feel defeated and on guard to start over with a new person, then you may need to reflect on your habits when it comes to the first dates.

Here are  8 questions you should ask yourself if you want to ensure that your future relationship is happier, healthier and longer lasting.

Am I really ready for a new relationship?

Relationships require time and energy to function. Make sure your current lifestyle 100% lets you  start a new relationship.

If you have just started a new job, made the decision to follow a dream, or if you are in the middle of a family crisis, then it may not be the best idea to get half-heartedly involved with another person.

Wait for the storm in your life to pass before inviting another ship out to sea.

2. Have I really gotten over my ex?

Woman looking sad

In order to be able to answer the first question properly, one will also have to ask oneself this. If the answer is no, then you are definitely not ready to start a new relationship.

Rebound conditions are not only doomed to fail. They are also great for destroying one’s new partner’s self-esteem and hurting their feelings. No one likes to feel like they are in second place. They do not deserve it either.

The best way to get over your ex is to work on yourself. One should find out what did not work in the relationship. That way, you will find out what you will need to change in your own life in order to start a new successful relationship.

3. What worked and what did not work in my previous relationship?

There are many reasons why a relationship may have failed. It is important to  make a list of what things did not work, such as distance, trust or honesty.

This will help one to find solutions objectively. On the other hand, it is also important to think about the positive aspects of a healthy relationship.

If it is difficult to identify what has been good in one’s previous relationship, then one can look around and  benefit from the things one can learn from others’ relationships.

Then you can decide  what things to look for in a new relationship.

4. What kind of relationship am I looking for?

In other words,  how serious do you want your next relationship to be? This is an important issue for one’s own well-being as well as for one’s future partners.

Whatever you want a little fun or someone you can settle down with, then you should be clear about this.

Whatever your case, you will need to  talk about your answers with your potential partner before beginning the relationship. This will keep one from wasting time and be sure one wants the same.

5. Do they share my values?

Couple talking over a cup

Just because a person shares one’s tastes when it comes to movies, books, food and activities, does not mean they are perfect for one. You have to dive deeper.

Do they share your beliefs? We are not just talking about religion or politics. We also talk about how they treat people and how they see the world.

Are they passionate about what they do? If you want to start a family with this person, what would they teach their children? Are these the same things you want for your kids?

It is important to keep these things in mind.

6. What do I want to get out of this relationship?

Maybe you’re looking for support. Or maybe you just want some company or sincere love. You might be looking for a best friend or just “a little fun”.

Again, you will need to  figure these things out before starting a new relationship.

It’s the only way you can find out if you want to do it for the right reason and if  your new partner will be able to give you what you really want or not.

7. Do I love myself?

Woman lying in fetal position in bed

That might sound like a cliché. But  one cannot love others if one does not love oneself.

When you do not feel worthy of love,  you may reject the love that others are trying to give you. Not only is this hurtful, but it can end up being frustrating for one’s partner.

8. Do I really want to be in a relationship again?

Have you realized that you have had many relationships? Or have you reached a point where you have to get over the breaches? Do you need to be alone for a while?

If this is the case then maybe you should  follow your instinct and do just that.

Work through the questions to find out if you really feel ready. If you do, just get started! It’s all about having a good time with what you do.

Do not rush  if what you need is time to heal and spend time on yourself, thinking and getting to know yourself better.

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