It Says Your Sleeping Position About Your Personality

Did you know that your sleeping position can reveal a lot about your personality? Learn more in this article!
It says your sleeping position about your personality

Do you also have a special sleeping position that you prefer? We are not talking about the one you consciously use when you go to bed, but rather the sleeping position that you end up in for the rest of the night. It says your sleeping position about your personality, read more here to to find out.

Your sleeping position says a lot about you. Here is more on the subject:

Tell me how you sleep and I will tell you who you are

Woman sleeping on the side

There is a lot of research in the field between humans and sleep. This includes what happens in their minds and their bodies when they sleep.

However, Professor Chris Idzikowski has dedicated most of his career to studying sleep. Specifically , he studies the relationship between your sleeping position and your personality.

Idzikowski analyzed six normal positions that people use in these situations. He is convinced that they are associated with a certain way of behaving.

According to him, people are aware of body language when awake. It is something else to study what we say with the positions we assume unconsciously.

It means your sleeping position: The fetal position

Woman sleeping in fetal position

According to what Idzikowski found out, 41% of people sleep in this position. The fetal position is also the same position that we have in the womb. More than half of all women sleep in the fetal position.

By sleeping on their sides with both their arms and legs folded, the sleeping person subconsciously seeks to feel protected.

The reality is that they can consciously show the world that they are strong and confident. But in reality, they are sensitive, vulnerable people.

So the supposed strength of character that they show is just a kind of shield they use to protect themselves with.

What type of sleep does the leader type have?

15% of all people sleep like a rock (this should not be seen as a pun). This position consists of lying on one side with your legs outstretched and your arms along your sides.

This sleeping position seems to suit very open, social people. These people also tend to be leaders. But they can also be very unhappy.

This is how 13% of the population sleeps

woman sleeping on the side

13 percent of all people sleep in this position. This means that they have their arms outstretched in front of them and form a right angle from their body.

In these cases, they usually have a personality that is seen as closed. They have a certain amount of cunning and suspicion.

They are people with a more critical and suspicious view of things.

That’s what the soldier’s sleeping position says about you

Woman sleeping on her back

The name of this position is “the soldier” because the sleeper sleeps on his back with his body stretched out and his arms fastened to the side.

Everything seems to show that people who are modest and introverted occupy this position.

“Soldiers” are very reserved, and they usually run from tumultuous situations. They are also linked to routines and norms. They are also very driven.

Sleeping position in free fall

These make up 7% of the population. This is where the sleeper sleeps face down on his bed, hugs a pillow with his arms and turns his head to one side.

Those who fall asleep like this are anxious, nervous people with a lot of energy. Also, their personality type tends to have a hard time accepting criticism.

Splattered out like a starfish

Woman sleeping on her stomach

5% of all sleep on their backs and have their arms up over their head. They also tend to bend their legs.

The starfish position suits altruistic people. These are people who are open to listening and helping their neighbor.

They are people who can make friends quickly. They are also people who avoid being the center of attention. And they prefer to be in the background for social events and group work.

Did you recognize any of these positions? Do not feel deceived if you did not find your position.

You should not forget that everyone has their own character traits when it comes to sleep. Sometimes people do not occupy the same position.

For example, those who sleep with a raised foot seem to have a certain unpredictable personality.

Yet, according to Idzikowski’s explanation, only 5 percent of people use a new position every night.

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