8 Houseplants That Clean The Air In Your Home

Are you looking for a beautiful house plant that also helps keep the air clean and clear? Look no further than these 8 amazing plants!
8 houseplants that clean the air in your home

Houseplants have become a great design element. This is not just because they look nice and add color, but also because houseplants clean the air.


Although some people would rather have them in the garden, many people discover the benefits of having houseplants.

But it is important to know that some varieties can not be kept in confined spaces. Still, it has been shown that others are very good for your health.

The best part is that they are very easy to plant and care for if you care for them properly.

Many of you probably want to know about the best houseplants. That is why today we will take a look at the 8 recommended houseplants to clean the air.

1. The betel nut plant

The betel nut plant is a beautiful plant for interior spaces. Its leaves flow beautifully and have a calming effect on your room.

They are also very easy to plant and maintain. Most importantly, they work to remove the toxins that accumulate through dust and harmful particles in the environment.

2. Bamboo palm

Although it is similar to the previous palm, the bamboo palm is completely different and very beneficial for cleaning inside air.

It has been proven that it can help get rid of toxic substances such as benzene, trichlorethylene, and other contaminants.

It has also been attributed the ability to harmonize your home and give it the feeling of peace that you need to relax.

As if that were not enough, it has a nice look and gives a tropical feel to wherever you place it. 

3. Ferns

Living room plants

Ferns are a very popular plant that grows almost like a weed plant. But do not let that fool you: there are very interesting varieties.

It is believed that ferns have existed for many ages. Due to their shape, it has now become a good option in terms of home decor.

It has soft, light leaves that purify the air from substances such as toluene and xylene. These two substances are usually found in glue, nail polish, and other chemical products.

Although it is not difficult to care for ferns, it is important to keep in mind that they require a little more attention than other plants.


Ivy, or English ivy, is a plant that can survive almost anywhere. Fortunately , it is also perfect for interior spaces like your home.

Among its benefits, it is worth pointing out that it grows very easily, adapts easily to the environment, and helps with feng shui in your house.

But it is not a good idea to put it in places where the temperature can be high because it tends to get too dry.

5. Orchid

Living room flower

Despite the reputation they have gained in being difficult to take care of, the truth is that it is not as difficult as people think.

Although they are more delicate than other flowers, the key to keeping them is to give them just the amount of water and sun they need.

Their presence in your house can help eliminate xylene, an air pollutant found in wall paint and furniture.

The most interesting thing is that they inhale and emit oxygen at night, making them perfect for bedrooms.

6. Pothos planter

This plant is very popular and easy to find. It does not require any special care and is very popular for decoration in offices, public places, party rooms, and shopping malls.

It adapts easily to environments with temperatures between 60 and 85 degrees. all you need to keep in mind is that its soil should be kept slightly moist.

Surprisingly, it has the ability to absorb formaldehyde, xylene and benzene.

7. Peace lilies


One of the reasons people like to keep peace lilies in their home is because it is a hardy flower that thrives in the shade and low temperatures.

Moreover, it is a great decoration. It does not require much maintenance, and works to remove toxic impurities such as:

  • Acetone
  • Ethyl acetate
  • Ammonia
  • Benzen
  • Methyl alcohol
  • Xylene
  • Formaldehyde
  • Trichlorethylene

8. Mother-in-law tongue

Finally, the mother-in-law’s tongue or snake plant is very popular in home decor. This amazing plant is able to survive in almost any temperature.

If sown outdoors, it can live through temperatures of up to 104 degrees and even temperatures as low as 23 degrees.

It is said that it can lower the level of benzene, xylene and toluene in the air.

Is there anything you would like to add to the list? Ask for these plants in your favorite garden center or nursery and enjoy a cleaner air and balance in your home.

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