7 Signs That You Have A Strong Personality

Some people are better at adapting and overcoming adversity. Are you one of those people? In this article, we will show you the traits that make you a resilient and strong person.
7 signs that you have a strong personality

There is a lot of confusion around personality, character and temperament. This is because the terms are pretty close in meaning. But they are not alike. Therefore, we will explain what we mean by strong personality. In this article, you will get 7 signs that you have a strong personality.

According to  Hall and Lindzey, who wrote the book  Theories of Personality (1957, page 262),  personality is ” a dynamic organization within the individual made up of psychophysical systems that determine characteristic behavior and thinking”. In other words, it is your psychological and physical structure as well as your history and your environment that control your personality.

What does it mean to have a strong personality?

Some people outside the world of psychology would say that means you have  character.

There is much debate about what it means to have “character”, even among theorists. But in the context of “personality”, one can translate it into gait.

Courage  is a person’s ability to adapt positively to difficult situations or overcome resistance.

It’s a lot like ‘Kintsugi’.

In Japanese culture, we find the concept of  Kintsugi , a traditional art form where one repairs ceramics that have broken  with the help of strong glue and gold powder. At the end of the process, the composite pottery is  far stronger and worth more than it was in the beginning.

Do not you also think that Kintsugi is a beautiful example of gait?

Signs of a strong personality

How do you know if someone is eager to walk or not? Here are some of the main features that you would be able to recognize.

1. Optimism

Woman who is optimistic

Optimism means having a good attitude, patience and hope even in difficult situations. This means that one can find solutions, benefits or opportunities when life is difficult.

If we are positive and optimistic,  then it is easier to accept responsibility for our actions. In addition, it is easier to use the time to improve ourselves.

2. Tolerance of frustration

Tolerance rather than frustration provides greater emotional stability.

It is important to be able to adapt our behavior so that we do not repeat our old mistakes.

3. Emotional intelligence

Woman with glasses

Emotional intelligence is a sign of maturity and intelligence. It  enables us to regulate our emotional reactions. It gives us the ability to recognize and control our own emotions and understand others.

Emotional intelligence is often a common denominator for success.  This ability actually forms the  basis of social and emotional competencies, both of which are important in almost any job.

Therefore, emotional intelligence can be used to your advantage  to develop your productivity and psychological well-being.

4. Passion

I bogen  This has got to change! written by Alfredo Culebro, an entrepreneur and businessman who specializes in empowering people and businesses in the pursuit of more success, passion is defined as  the inexhaustible energy that pushes people to keep going despite all kinds of obstacles or boundaries.

Passion is a great help. It enables us to feel that our needs are being met and that we can enjoy our work without recognition.

Research shows that positive passion has a healthy impact. It enables us to feel positive feeling more. We get better concentration and the desire to do a good job.

Passion is the simple individual’s ability to face challenges without the help of others. It’s something everyone can learn.

5. Commitment and motivation

4 people having a meeting

Commitment is a responsibility that requires full attention.

It happens when a person believes in what they are doing and it feels important to them. This motivates them and makes their behavior stay that way. As a result, an individual will not stop until they have achieved the goals they have set for themselves.

Motivation is in itself  a feeling that comes from a high level of interest in achieving a particular goal.  It is not only about meeting our basic needs, but also those associated with self-realization (like achieving success in different parts of life). The desire to achieve efficiency and quality is therefore included here.

Isaac Garrido Gutiérrez says that “research in psychology confirms […] that the subject follows their free will, which creates a strong sense of personal responsibility”.

In other words  , motivation can be self-determined, initiated and regulated by a personal choice.  This is the basis for achieving the set goals.

It is also in this way that motivation  becomes the inner engine that connects brain, will and interest  to be able to achieve your goals in the positive, happy and hopeful way. achieve goals positively, happily and hopefully.

6. Flexibility

When we go through difficult times, it is difficult to always have ourselves with us, even if we are self-conscious.

But  accepting the circumstances and being flexible will give you more focus. It helps us work on the things we can change, and accepts the things we cannot – and not least to see change as opportunities to grow.

According to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), psychological acceptance and flexibility help people  let go of past bad experiences in order to live life to the fullest. Then they focus on what is really important.

7. The ability to learn

Woman sitting at a computer - a strong personality

Courage is not an ability. It is more like a learning process.

People generally learn by trying and making mistakes. Therefore, we  cannot do what we have not learned.

In addition  , experiences are a great source of personal knowledge and understanding. That way, we learn to make new strategies the next time we encounter difficult circumstances in life so that we can get through them with joy.

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