7 Natural Diuretics That You Should Make Part Of Your Diet

When you enjoy a good cup of hot tea, without knowing it, you get excess fluids to flow out of your body. This is because both black and green tea are naturally diuretic.
7 natural diuretics that you should make part of your diet

Here you get 7 natural diuretics that you should make part of your diet. Diuretics help your body get rid of excess fluids, especially water and sodium. Most of them stimulate your kidneys to excrete more sodium through the urine.

When diuretics react to sodium, they force your body to excrete water. If fluid accumulates in your body, it is probably due to illness.

For example, fluid retention may be due to  a thyroid failure, high blood pressure, cirrhosis of the liver, kidney or kidney stone failure, edema, polycystic ovary syndrome or even diabetes.

Here are 7 natural diuretics that should be part of your diet to prevent fluid retention.

1. Dandelion

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Dandelion is a wild plant that is typically found in our gardens and that many of us only see as weeds.

Studies have found that one of the substances in dandelions  increases the activity of the kidneys and increases urine production.

Both its green leaves, stems and roots have diuretic properties. It both helps stabilize your blood sugar, but also makes it easier for your body to cleanse the colon and liver.

2. Sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn belongs to the rose family, and is also diuretic.

It can reduce fluid retention and can reportedly also prevent heart failure.

In addition, the nutrients in sea buckthorn also encourage the body to produce more urine.

Sea buckthorn berries are rich in vitamins C and B as well as minerals. In addition to acting as a diuretic, it can help:

  • Treat kidney problems
  • Pump the blood harder from the heart
  • Lower fever

3. Padderok

A 2014 study found that horseradish extract had  the same results as those obtained from other prescription diuretics, but with fewer side effects.


Horseradish can be a good alternative to regular medicine, especially if you suffer from unpleasant side effects.

Its effect can be so powerful that  it is recommended that pregnant women do not ingest it.

If you suffer from an accumulation of uric acid, it can also help a lot. Those who suffer from arthritis should also consume horseradish.

4. Juniper

The juniper plant has been used as a natural diuretic since the Middle Ages.

Although there are not many modern studies on the diuretic properties of juniper, it has been shown to increase the amount of urine in animals.

Like many other natural diuretics, it does not seem to reduce the level of potassium, as many forms of medicine often do.

It is recommended that you consume juniper berries if you have cystitis. This plant also helps in  contributing to the excretion of toxins.

5. Green and black tea


When you enjoy a good cup of hot tea, without knowing it, you get excess fluids to flow out of your body. This is because both black and green tea are naturally diuretic.

Thanks to its high content of caffeine, they help one’s body produce more urine, which reduces the amount of water in one’s body, especially in one’s bloodstream. This  lowers one’s blood pressure.

6. Parsley

Although parsley is mostly used as a spice, it actually also has diuretic properties.

Studies have shown that it is  one of the most recommended natural diuretics to help increase the amount of urine.

One can make a tea to take advantage of its benefits.


  • 1 handful of parsley
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Boil a handful of fresh parsley for 10 minutes. Allow to cool and store the liquid in the refrigerator.
  • Have a cup of this tea  once a day for a week  for best results.

7. Hibiscus

A jug of tea - a natural diuretic

Several studies have indicated that this plant  increases filtration in the kidneys, reduces swelling and combats fluid retention  thanks to its diuretic effects.

Tips to increase the effectiveness of these diuretics

In addition to these natural diuretics, you can improve your health by  reducing your sodium intake and exercising more. It allows a decrease in fluid retention.

Eating more fruits and vegetables  in general can also increase the diuretic effect in one’s body.

Among the most beneficial are:

  • Watermelon
  • Grapes
  • Berry
  • Celery
  • Asparagus
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Peppers

It is important to  go to a doctor before considering changing any prescription medication. This is because drastic changes in one’s treatment can be detrimental to one’s health.

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