7 Facial Exercises To Prevent Sagging Skin And Wrinkles

The cosmetic industry has designed a wide range of treatments to nourish our skin and minimize damage caused by free radicals. This is because consumers want to keep their skin youthful and free of blemishes.
7 facial exercises to prevent sagging skin and wrinkles

Although many of these products work well, they often do not work on their own and require a comprehensive procedure to produce the desired results. The best you can do for your face are these 7 face exercises – read on and learn!

Because of this, a variety of facial exercises have become popular as they complement the daily skin care and good nutrition.

These help work through our facial muscles and keep them toned and less likely to form sagging skin.

In this article, we will share the 7 best facial exercises so you can easily include them in your beauty routine.

1. Kind exercises

There are many facial exercises you can do to get rid of sagging skin and wrinkles

Persistent exercise of these cheek exercises helps to tone and increase the elasticity of your skin.

How do you make them?

  • Inhale and then fill your cheeks with air. After this, gently tap them with your fingertips.
  • Try to hold the pressure for 8 seconds and then release the air slowly.
  • Another activity you can do is twist your lips, first to the right and then to the left.
  • To get good results, you should make sure that both movements involve pressure on the cheekbones.

2. Facial exercises against the wrinkles around your eyes

Exercises against the wrinkles around your eyes are essential to relieve flabby eyelid skin.

If you do the exercises regularly, you can keep the skin smooth and prevent fine wrinkles and sagging skin from developing.

How do you make them?

  • Form circles with your index fingers and thumbs, as if you were making fake glasses.
  • Put your fingers around your eyes and use them to tighten the skin around your eyes from top to bottom.
  • Blink gently about 20 times, hold for a few seconds and then relax.
  • Another option is to place your index fingers on each of your eyebrows and press down.
  • As you do this, try raising your eyebrows, relax and repeat this 15 times to prevent the skin from hanging on to the upper eyelids.

3. Exercises for wrinkles around the mouth


Since the skin around the mouth is thinner than on other parts of the body, it is common for this skin to worsen due to lack of care and exercise.

With this simple activity you can tone the skin around the mouth naturally. In addition, this exercise perfectly complements the effect of anti-wrinkle creams.

How do you make them?

  • Open your mouth wide and close it. Perform 10 repetitions.
  • Another exercise you can do is to pronounce the vowels aloud in a distinctive way. In other words, open your mouth as much as possible when pronouncing the vowels. Repeat 10 times and then rest.

4. Forehead exercises

The lines of expression formed on our forehead can be minimized and prevented by practicing this simple exercise daily.

How to make them?

  • Place both your hands on your forehead with the palms facing inward and stretch your skin outward as if you were sweeping.
  • Relax your skin, rest for 10 seconds and repeat this exercise up to 15 times.

5. Neck exercises

neck exercise

The skin on our neck is thin and is usually the most overlooked part of our beauty routine.

To tone the skin in this area and avoid premature wrinkles, practice the following facial exercise.

How to make them?

  • Keeping your gaze straight, place the tip of your fingers on the lower part of your neck and push your skin down. Your head should tilt back when you do this.
  • Move your head back and forth and repeat this 6 to 8 times.

6. Exercise against drooping eyebrows

Drooping eyebrows and eyelids make the face look dramatic, aged and tired.

This simple exercise helps to reduce loose skin in the area of ​​your eyebrow to keep it in place as you age.

How to make it?

  • Put your index fingers under each eye. They should point towards your nose.
  • Cover your teeth with your lips and start blinking quickly as you look up at the ceiling.
  • Repeat this 3 times for 30 seconds.

7. Exercise for your double chin


By working through the double chin area, you will prevent it from growing in size due to fat as well as swelling and at the same time, you will prevent this area from forming loose skin.

How to make it?

  • Take an upright position, either by standing up or sitting upright in a chair.
  • Move your head back and keep your gaze upward. After this, make your mouth move as if you are about to chew food.
  • Perform 15 repetitions.
  • As a supplement to these daily facial exercises, remember to be properly hydrated by drinking water and other healthy drinks.

Avoid overexposure to the sun and habits such as drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes.

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