6 Tips To Clean A Stuffy Nose In Minutes

The steam from a hot shower is a great way to loosen a stuffy nose and get better right away.
6 tips to clean a stuffy nose in minutes

A cold can appear at any time,  especially when the temperature changes rapidly for example in spring or autumn. Colds are an annoying disease, not only because one feels tired and unwell, but also because of the classic stuffy nose. In this article you will get 6 tips to clean a stuffy nose in minutes.

First of all, it is difficult to breathe when your nose is blocked. It is annoying and uncomfortable to have to breathe through your mouth.

This is why it is important to find a way to cleanse a stuffy nose – as it can ease some of the usual annoyances that come with a cold.

Try the following tips to ease the pressure in your stuffy nose.

1. Eat strong food

Strong food helps loosen mucus,  which will subsequently help clear your blocked sinuses in minutes. The effect may not last long, but why not try it?

For example, you can advantageously eat onions, garlic, wasabi, chili or curry.

Eat a lot of it – if you dare. The more it stings in the mouth, the more it will loosen up in the nose!

2. Massage your sinuses

Drawing over sinuses

Your sinuses are located under the skin right next to the nasal septum.

A lot of mucus can accumulate here, so use circular massage to loosen it. Massage can ease the pressure and blockage. 

How do you do it?

  • Place your index and middle fingers just below your eye sockets and move them circularly.
  • Do this for 20 to 30 seconds. Be sure to squeeze along the areas that are closest to your nose and just under your eyes.
  • Press your thumb against your cheeks and massage them using circular outward motions.    

3. Check your breathing

Woman breathing

Have you ever used your breathing to get rid of ear plugs? If you have, then this technique is very similar to this.

How do you do that?

  • Take a deep breath and hold your nose. Then try to release some air from your nose as you walk around. Continue until it feels uncomfortable.
  • Now let go of your nose and breathe normally. Your nose will now feel a little less clogged.

4. Traditional remedies: Use a saline solution

You can do two things: buy a saline solution at a pharmacy or make your own at home.

Both are equally effective, but we always prefer homemade remedies, especially when they are so simple: just boil some water with salt in and let it cool.

Once you have the finished mixture, use a syringe to fill the fluid into your nostrils, where it will act as a solvent, and clean your clogged nasal passages immediately.

5. Mint is the number one enemy of bad luck

Woman using nasal spray against a stuffy nose

As you probably know, mint is often used to relieve respiratory problems  associated with colds because it contains acetic and ascorbic acids.

These compositions are so effective that after just a few inhalations of menthol or menthol-based ointments, your problem will be solved.

6. Take a warm bath

When you inhale water vapor, it gets out into all the nooks and crannies of your respiratory system. It helps loosen up mucus , so you can once again breathe freely.

Additionally, a little warm water in the nasal passage can help you fight your clogging.

A hot shower with lots of water vapor not only helps on your stuffy nose. Good hygiene also reduces the risk of infecting others.

Remember these tips, as we will unfortunately all need them at some point. 

Now you are always ready to relieve a stuffy nose when either you or someone around you catches a cold.

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