6 Health Benefits Of Papaya, Proven By Research

Papaya is a tropical fruit that contains lots of nutrients and antioxidants. In this article, we will give you some health benefits of papaya that have been proven by research.
6 health benefits of papaya, proven by research

Papaya is an amazing fruit that has lots of benefits for your health. Studies have i.a. shown how effective their nutrients and antioxidants are in the fight against cancer, inflammation and aging. In this article, we will give you six amazing, proven, health benefits of papaya.

Papaya Health Benefits: General Properties

Girl smiling with papaya

One of the best things in papaya is vitamin C. They provide as much as 144% of your recommended daily dose of vitamin C. This vitamin is extremely stimulating for the immune system and is an antioxidant that fights free radicals.

The other vitamins in papaya are vitamin A (31% of your recommended daily dose), which is necessary for healthy skin, mucous membranes and vision. In addition, it is also effective in the fight against macular degeneration.

Papaya provides 13% of your recommended daily dose of folic acid and good amounts of fiber and potassium. These are essential components of the cells that help control your heart rate and blood pressure.

Papaya also contains 212 amino acids and several different enzymes, including papain. It is an enzyme that has anti-inflammatory powers in the stomach that helps improve digestion and stomach discomfort.

The nutritional properties and health benefits of papaya

  • 100g of papaya contains only  42 calories.
  • Papaya contains several types of B vitamins (B1, B2 and B3), lots of vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin D.
  • They also contain a lot of fiber.
  • If that is not enough, they even contain important minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc.

Also read: 5 reasons to eat papaya if you are diabetic

6 health benefits of papaya

1. They help strengthen your immune system

Health benefits of papaya in glass

Papaya really contains a lot of vitamin C. Vitamin C in food improves your immune system, reduces oxidative stress and reduces inflammation levels. Foods high in vitamin C are associated with a lower risk of cancer.

Some studies also show that the content of lycopene in papaya is effective against cancer. It can actually prevent several different types of cancer and slow tumor growth.

2. They are a powerful natural antioxidant

Oxidative damage is a risk factor for diseases such as cancer, heart disease and aging.

But papaya is also rich in several different antioxidant compounds. These natural compounds act as antioxidants. Besides that, they are also a good source of provitamin A.

3. They reduce inflammation

Inflammation is a natural mechanism your body uses to protect you from infections caused by bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. In general, a food is anti-inflammatory if it is rich in antioxidants.

Papaya is especially good for reducing inflammation in the body.

4. They reduce the risk of heart disease

Some studies show that lycopene reduces oxidative stress as it fights free radicals. It actually lowers your risk of heart disease.

In addition, papaya’s vitamin C content also acts as an antioxidant. Papaya can therefore reduce your chance of developing heart disease and chronic diseases.

5. They reduce the signs of aging

Woman with papaya in the jungle

Aging is a natural process that comes with time, but it is exacerbated by oxygenation. Foods rich in antioxidants, such as papaya, can reduce early signs of aging. They can e.g. reduce wrinkles and loose skin by fighting oxidative stress.

Studies have also shown that both vitamin C and lycopene help your skin and reduce early signs of aging. Applying papaya directly to it can also heal wounds and problems on your skin.

Also read: Benefits of papaya seeds: They can do it for you

6. Benefits of papaya: They help digestion

Woman holding on to stomach in pain

There is scientific evidence that papaya can prevent digestive problems. In a study using a papaya formula, the researchers found that it reduced symptoms such as bloating or flatulence, due to the content of papain.

This is because the papain found in papaya helps your digestion.


Despite all these benefits, we do not recommend eating papaya if you:

  • Has frequent digestive problems.
  • Suffering from diarrhea
  • Being treated with diuretics.
  • Have problems with kidney stones.

In general, the health benefits of papaya are a good and at the same time delicious way to fight diseases like cancer and heart disease. Add it to your diet, just as you think is best: Fresh or natural, in juices or smoothies, or even in salads.

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