5 Warning Signs Of Swollen Ankles

The most common cause of swollen ankles is poor circulation. In older people, it may be because their blood vessels have become weaker, or it may be due to a more serious problem.
5 warning signs of swollen ankles

Do you have swollen ankles? Learn, in this article the 5 most important warning signs of swollen ankles.

There are many ways to relieve the swelling. You can lie with your legs up, give them a foot bath in warm salt water or drink anti-inflammatory tea, such as. dandelion tea.
Swollen feet
However, if the problem does not go away, you should talk to a doctor to find out what the swelling is due to. It’s the best way to find out if your body is sending you warning signs.

1. Warning signs of swollen ankles: Weak blood vessels

The most common cause of swollen ankles is poor circulation. In older people, it may be because their blood vessels have become weaker, or it may be due to a more serious problem.

In young people, it may be congenital or due to other things such as:

  • Incorrect sitting position
  • Many hours on your feet
  • Wrong sleeping position

If it is due to one of the above, a change of habits should be enough to solve the problem.

Two females

However, talking to your doctor can never hurt because it can also be an early sign of venous insufficiency. Vascular diseases of the lower extremities are classified as either arterial or venous:

  • Arterial diseases can originate from local defects in the arteries, such as aneurysms. They can also be the result of other diseases, such as atherosclerosis.
  • Venous diseases include atherosclerosis and thrombosis

Swollen ankles may be a sign of a blood clot

If the swelling occurs in only one leg, it may be a sign that a blood clot is blocking the veins.

Swelling may be seen with:

  • Pain
  • Low fever
  • Changes in the skin

Either way, it is best to consult a doctor right away to get the correct diagnosis.

3. Warning signs of swollen ankles: Improper training

If you train yourself, you run the risk of doing it wrong. Check, for safety’s, your ankles for swelling.

But do not confuse common swelling with muscle inflammation :

  • Inflammation of the muscles is different because it is usually seen with internal pain instead of on the outside
  • Muscle inflammation is most common in some limbs. If you get it on both sides, you may need to ask yourself if you are training incorrectly or wearing the wrong footwear

4. Not enough rest

Lack of rest can also result in swelling due to fluid retention.

In this case, it is a sign that you are not sleeping well enough or eating incorrectly.

  • To alleviate the problem, you can reduce your intake of salt, sugar and flour
  • Rest 15 minutes a day with your legs up and get a minimum of 6-8 hours of sleep each night

5. Warning signs of swollen ankles: Reaction to medication

If you are starting on new medication, you may have a negative reaction to it. Most types of medication have countless side effects, including swelling.

  • It is best to consult a doctor. In some cases, it is a side effect that you have to live with. But in others it is a sign that you need to change the dosage or change medication
Chamomile has soothing properties at warning signs of swollen ankles

Fortunately, there are natural ways to relieve swelling and make it less uncomfortable.

Chamomile has lots of health benefits. You can prepare a tea or use essential chamomile oil to gently massage into the areas.


  • 2 tablespoons chamomile flowers
  • 5 dl water

Course of action

  • Heat the water. Add chamomile when it boils
  • Let it soak for 10 minutes
  • Wait until it has cooled down a bit
  • Say it and pour it over your legs a little at a time
  • Masses from foot to knee in circular motions

Do not forget- if you have swollen ankles, it will not always disappear using these tips. It can be a symptom of more serious health problems.

The best remedy is to go to the doctor!

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