5 Things You Should Know About Trigeminal Neuralgia, The Worst Pain There Is

This problematic condition is present in the form of very violent facial pain, which feels like electric shock and usually affects only one side of the face. Trigeminal neuralgia can be disabling, but fortunately there is a treatment.
5 things you should know about trigeminal neuralgia, the worst pain there is

There are many different types of pain. As you may know, each one is unique with its intensity and characteristics. However, there is one that is described as “ the worst pain in the world”: trigeminal neuralgia.

To better understand this disease, we will talk about it in this article.

There are 12 pairs of nerves in the head. In some sections of the population, one of these nerve pairs may end up malfunctioning. It results in a condition that leaves the person incapacitated.

This is what causes trigeminal neuralgia.

Trigeminal neuralgia has been here for centuries. In fact, it was first described by Aretaeus of Cappadocia as far back as the second century.

It is characterized by painful tics,  which feel like an electric shock through the entire facial area between the cheekbone and the chin.

It is always helpful to know as much as possible about this condition that is affecting us. That is why we want to take the time today to explain  5 main factors of trigeminal neuralgia.

Woman with headache

1. What is trigeminal neuralgia?

Trigeminal neuralgia is a  type of chronic pain caused by a specific nerve. In fact, it is the nerve that gives the condition its name. The culprit is the fifth cranial nerve, which is also the  longest nerve in the head.

The condition takes the form of violent tics. The tics can initially last  between two seconds and a full minute. During that time, the person is paralyzed and unable to chew or speak at all due to the intensity of the pain.

Once the condition develops, the tics usually disappear fairly quickly. Over time  , however, trigeminal neuralgia may develop,  leaving the patient with prolonged tics.

The nerve in question has three branches that cover the eye area, the scalp, the forehead and the front of the head.

This explains why people with trigeminal neuralgia typically experience pain in the  jaw, cheeks, lips, teeth and even the gums.

A vein is the culprit!

The main cause of this condition and all the pain that comes with it is nothing more than a blood vessel. This blood vessel presses on the trigeminal nerve where it leaves the brainstem.

For this to happen,  the protective sheath that is around the nerve is worn away. It is either due to the passage of time or due to a disease that damages the myelin of the nerve.

Over time, this progressive deterioration of the trigeminal nerve causes it to  send abnormal signals to the brain.

The result? The most intense headache a person can experience.

2. Symptoms to watch out for

Episodes occur suddenly. They are short, but they are so intense that they feel like an “electric shock”. First, someone who experiences this may have no idea what has happened. In fact, they may be very little aware of it because it passes so quickly.

Little by little, the seizures begin to occur more often. After a while, you just have to touch your face, chew, talk or even brush your teeth to start a seizure.

The bouts of pain last anywhere from  a few seconds to a full minute.

Some people will be affected by tics for several days. Then they may disappear until the following month. Others will spend months in a row with frequent tics.

The pain is sent out through the cheeks, jaw, teeth, gums, lips and – although more rarely – the eyes and forehead, for the reasons we have explained above.

However, the pain usually affects only one side of the face. The seizures will usually be more frequent and more intense over time.

3. Who is typically affected by trigeminal neuralgia

Woman with headache

Usually, people over the age of 50 are most commonly affected by trigeminal neuralgia. However, we should not forget that it can affect young people as well.

, and is often inherited.

4. What surveys will they perform?

A positive diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia is necessary so that doctors can  differentiate it from similar disorders (such as migraines). The diagnosis is based on 3 main factors:

  • Type of pain:  If the pain is very short-lived, you can already be pretty sure you are dealing with trigeminal neuralgia.
  • The location of the pain:  It is a basic step in the diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia to find out which part of the face is affected by pain.
  • What triggers the pain:  This type of neuralgia is often triggered by light stimulation of the cheeks, as well as by chewing or speaking.

Once you have informed a physician of the answers to these questions, a specialist will be able to perform the following examinations:

  • A neurological examination
  • An MRI scan

5. How to treat trigeminal neuralgia

Medicine and a clock - trigeminal neuralgia

Pharmacological treatments

No matter what, your doctor will always be the one who can point you in the direction of the most effective treatment. In this case  , simple anti-inflammatory and pain medication will not help.

  • Anticonvulsant medication  is used to block the functioning part of the nervous system, which causes problems.
  • Tricyclic antidepressants  can also be effective when the pain is constant.

The surgical approach

If the medication mentioned above does not work, doctors may want to consider a surgical approach.

These can range from simple procedures to more complex operations,  including the following techniques:

  • Rhizotomy:  This is a procedure in which certain nerve fibers are destroyed in order to  block the abnormal signals of pain.
  • Balloon compression:  This is a simple but quick technique. To perform this, surgeons insert a needle, which they then insert a small balloon through. The balloon compresses the trigeminal nerve to  reduce the overstimulation and pain it causes.
  • Glycerol injection:  This is another technique designed to isolate the fibers in the trigeminal nerve, thus  preventing the painful “electric shocks”.

Finally,  in case any of the above tactics work, a procedure called microvascular decompression is performed. It is a more fragile intervention. However, it is also the most effective solution to offer. The best thing about it is that once done, trigeminal neuralgia will not return.

So even though it may be the “worst pain in the world”,  there is no need to suffer forever. There is a solution.

Either way, the most important thing to remember is to be patient. Follow good medical advice and try several different treatments until you find one that lets you have the best possible quality of life.

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