5 Mistakes We Make When We Take A Bath

Did you know that sometimes we do things wrong when we take a bath without even knowing it? And that they are not good for us?
5 mistakes we make when we take a bath

You may be surprised, because there is nothing more comfortable, relaxing and hygienic than taking a shower in the morning or taking a bath with useful essential oils at night to help us go to bed relaxed.

Mistakes we make when we take a bath

So what is it we could do wrong? Find out below!

Woman taking bath

1. Be careful with too hot a shower or tub

Yes, we know that. There are few things as comfortable as a hot shower or tub when we get home to help us relax. But what happens if the temperature is too high and we are in the shower for 15 – 20 minutes?

  • You run the risk of getting out of the shower and feeling such  a strong temperature that you may faint.
  • Too hot water can cause us to lose some of our own essential oils, the  ones that the  skin  needs to keep itself smooth and moist. Hot water opens the pores of the skin and this is where one could suffer from a slight decompensation (the inability of the body to function properly, especially the circulatory system).
  • It is best not to stay long in hot water. Five or six minutes is enough. Later, you can continue your shower or bath  with a more lukewarm temperature.  Never scold yourself!

2. Be careful when drying yourself after a bath

Some people dry themselves too violently with the towel after getting out of the shower or tub. If the towel is also dry, we damage our skin,  make it irritated and it gradually becomes too dry. 

It is best to use a soft towel, and dry your skin with small circular motions and gently remove the excess water without roughly rubbing the skin.

Bathrobes, for example, are very comfortable and good to wear, as they allow us to wrap ourselves warmly while the skin dries, almost without us noticing it.

3. Take care of your towels!

Handkerchiefs in kurb

Sometimes the danger with towels is not only that they are rough and irritate our skin. Another of their risks is that they are often suspected of being the basis for the  growth of bacteria and microorganisms. The reason? Due to the moisture that often remains in their fibers if they are not dried well.

Sometimes it is not enough that the  towel  smells good. There are times when  towels get so old that they are filled up with chemicals from detergents, thereby causing  us to end up suffering from minor allergic reactions.  Thus, the best solution is to change our towels frequently to avoid these types of health problems.

4. The risk of using too much soap


There is a difference between sports enthusiasts who sweat a lot during a workout and they only sweat a little during the day and just want a shower before work. That is, it all depends on the person.

But there are some who use too much soap, which is full of  perfume  and smells good, not knowing that they use a large amount of alcohol and other chemicals that will change the skin’s pH,  and cause a decrease in the body’s ability to defend itself naturally against external things like mites, bacteria and other microorganisms. 

What is the recommendation? To use the right amount of soap and water. And another point: If you use natural soaps, like in the picture above, it’s even better.

5. Be careful with mushrooms

Sponge and towels

This is a fun fact and worth keeping in mind. According to what dermatologists tell us, it is appropriate and healthy to use only one sponge twice a week when taking a bath, and  to dry the sponge in sunlight after use, to avoid colonies of mold, which can cause infections, fungus or folliculitis.

  • It is best to apply soap by hand and the exact amount that we have specified before. You can use a natural soap made with glycerin and oats, which will help care for your skin every day, by rubbing it over your skin directly without the need for a sponge.
  • Just twice a week, you should  exfoliate your skin, with a suitable sponge, like a  loofah sponge  (which we have previously talked about in our blog). This will help eliminate dead skin cells and restore balance in your skin.

Always keep these simple points in mind when taking a bath or shower. Then you will feel comfortable!

Have you made these mistakes after a bath? Never again!

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