5 Essential Oils Against Nail Fungus

To prevent nail fungus (onychomycosis), be very careful when you are in places where you can have direct contact with bacteria and other infectious organisms.
5 essential oils against nail fungus

Onychomycosis is the most common type of nail fungus. The condition is more common on the feet than on the hands. In general, we do less to clean the feet, as they are covered most of the time. In this article we will tell you a little more about this problem, the causes and the symptoms. We will also  give you natural oils against nail fungus that you can use.

Symptoms of nail fungus

Although onychomycosis is commonly referred to as an aesthetic deterioration of the nails,  in severe cases it can cause chronic pain which may be curable. An early diagnosis is best if you want to remove the fungus permanently.

Although a fungal infection is not usually associated with pain, it can be in severe cases. Therefore, there may be reason to notice signs of the nails such as:

  • Thickening
  • Discoloration in dark or yellowish shades
  • Bad smell
  • Peeling
  • Weakness and tendency to crack

These signs are most often seen at the nail fold, in the area where the nail sits in the skin. First, a white spot is seen, which over time grows in size.


The cause of onychomycosis is a fungus called  candida albicans. It spreads by direct contact, so the most common ways to get infected are:

  • To walk barefoot in public places.
  • To take in the nail spa without bringing your own accessories, and use it as others have used.
  • If your footwear makes you sweat a lot, it will be easier for bacteria to multiply.
  • If you have long nails and do not dry your feet properly, the water may remain in them.
  • Weak immune system and stress.
Woman hiking

Another important thing is that when the immune system is weakened, the fungus grows more easily. Then it will spread markedly and become more difficult to treat.

One must also keep in mind that it applies to almost all diseases that  if we do not treat them, over time they can cause bigger problems. Therefore, we should preferably pay attention when the first signs appear.

Essential oils against nail fungus

1. Tea Tree oil

The essential tea tree oil, which is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, is a mixture that fights the fungus that occurs in the nails of hands and feet. The effect is comparable to many of the other products on the market that counteract fungal infections.

It  improves the appearance of affected nails in a few days.

Course of action

  • Put 2-3 drops of oil on the infected nail and rub it in until it is well absorbed.
  • It is recommended to carry out the treatment twice a day until the fungus is gone.

2. Oregano oil

The extracts concentrated in the essential oil of oregano have incredible antifungal properties that can stop onychomycosis. By using it, it is possible to restore a healthy look to the nails.

Course of action

  • Apply 3 drops of oregano oil on the affected nail.
  • Massage and lubricate it so that the oil is absorbed and let it dry.
  • Use 2 times a day until you notice improvement.

3. Thyme oil

Thyme oil

It is distinguished by its content of thymol, which has a strong antimicrobial and antifungal effect  that is effective against nail fungus, and restores a nicer appearance.

Course of action

  • Apply 3 drops of thyme oil on the infected nail.
  • Spread it well on the nail so that it is absorbed and let it dry.
  • Use it 2-3 times a day until you see improvement.

4. Cinnamon oil

Cinnamon oil is one of the best essential oils against nail fungus. It is rich in eugenol, a very effective antifungal chemical ingredient. This  keeps the nail area dry, which prevents the fungus from multiplying.

Course of action

  • Apply 3-4 drops of oil on the affected nail.
  • Spread it out so it is absorbed and let it dry.
  • Perform the treatment 2-3 times a day. it is very beneficial if you tend to sweat a lot.

5. Clove oil

Like cinnamon oil, cloves and its essential oil also have a high content of eugenol, which has antiseptic and antifungal effect. They are even effective against athlete’s foot.

Course of action

  • Put 3 drops of clove oil on the infected nail.
  • Spread it on the entire surface so that it is absorbed and let it dry.
  • Use it 3-4 times a day until you notice improvement.

Keep in mind that there are many ways to prevent this problem from occurring. You need to maintain good hygiene and avoid contact with surfaces where people walk barefoot, especially if it is wet places. But finally, try these essential oils against nail fungus. They will be of great help.

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