10 Thieves Stealing Your Energy

Over time, we realize that forgiveness is the best option. By forgiving, our lives improve as we no longer bear the burden of anger.

We all have a certain amount of energy that we must learn to use positively and not waste. Your energy allows you to work on motivation. It gives a positive mind to handle everyday situations and allows you to take advantage of every opportunity that is put in front of you. Only you have the power to control your energy and utilize it daily. However, there are some internal and external factors that can possibly disrupt your energy level, which impairs our motivation, mood and productivity. Here you get the 10 thieves who steal your energy!

Our energy is the key to success and to overcoming any obstacle that arises along the way. Every single person can renew these energies daily and make the most of them to give us strength. We need to harness our talents and everything else that makes us stand out as individuals. Since every individual is endowed with strength and this is the key to their personal and professional development. Then  the great spiritual leader Dalai Lama has emphasized the 10 “energy thieves”. Everyone should know these in order to master our energies and prevent disturbances that may prevent us from harnessing them.

To stay away from toxic people

Person holding a piece of toast bread with a sour smiley

We are all able to distinguish between what people bring positive things into our lives. And also what people want to stop us, and prevent us from unfolding as we want.

Pay your bills on time

There is nothing better for our serenity than knowing that we owe no one anything and that no one owes us anything.

  • “Pay your bills on time. And at the same time collect from the one who owes you, or forget it if it is impossible to collect. ”

Being responsible with loans helps us to be calm towards others, as well as towards ourselves. It is best to do everything we can to free ourselves from debt so that we do not have to hide or be ashamed of not having paid them.

Keep your promises

  • “If you have not kept them, ask yourself why you are resisting them. You always have the right to change your mind, to apologize, to compensate, to renegotiate and to find another alternative to a promise you have not kept; but this must not become a habit. The best way to avoid doing something you do not feel like doing is to say NO from the beginning.

Promises, no matter how small, can be of great value to those you have promised them to. Keeping our promises makes us better people, both on a personal and professional level.

Say what you do not want to do

Man looking at a woman

“Whenever possible, stay away from tasks you do not want to perform and dedicate your time to what you like best.”

This is not to avoid our responsibilities, but to realize that sometimes it is best to give the work to someone who can do it better or who can take your place when you do not feel fit. This also reminds us to do the things that really matter in our lives.

Rest and work

  • “Give yourself a chance to rest if you are in a moment where you need it. Allow yourself to work when you find a possible moment.

Both nature and our lives have different day rhythms and each and every one of us must figure out how to deal with it. It is often a big mistake to push when we need a break. At the same time, we may regret it if we do not work when given the chance.

Throw out, pick up, and organize

  • “Throw it out, pick it up and organize, nothing removes more energy than a cluttered environment full of things from the past you no longer need.”

From physical things to spiritual: D it is very important to throw out everything we do not need, and leave everything that is past,  as well as only keep the things that allow us to organize ourselves to be able to live well today, and complete our dreams in the future.

Use your energy to take care of your health

Elderly gentleman eating an apple
  • “Make your health a high priority. If your body’s machinery is constantly working at high pressure, you can not do much. Take some breaks. ”

It does not matter to have the best job, lots of money, and the best things if we do not enjoy good health and we do not take care of our bodies. In order to enjoy life with the best energies, we must dedicate the deserved time to our bodies. To be able to cleanse, meditate, enjoy, eat well, exercise, consult a doctor and everything else necessary to have good health.

Use your energy to face difficult situations

  • “Face toxic situations that you are tolerating right now, from rescuing a friend or family member. To tolerate negative actions from your partner or a group, and do what is necessary. “

Facing the situation is the healthiest way to deal with it, and make sure it does not get worse. It is important to analyze and make a decision in time, as postponing or ignoring things can generate stress, make it difficult to focus hard, and make the problem harder to solve.

Use your energy on acceptance

  • “Accept. Acceptance is not the same as giving up, but nothing causes you to lose more energy than to resist and fight a situation that you cannot change. “

Although many believe that nothing is impossible and that hope is the last thing you want to lose. Then life sometimes puts us in situations where we have to accept that we can not change things and the only way to deal with it is to accept it. Accepting it does not mean we have to stop fighting. N years we accept that we can not change anything. Then we also have the opportunity to change our plan and search for new opportunities.

Use your energy on forgiveness

  • “Forgive and let go of a situation that is causing you pain. You can always choose to leave the pain from a memory ”.

One of the greatest energy resources is love, or being connected to god and learning to forgive. It is true that life often puts us in situations that fill us with anger, pain, bitterness and fear, which can be difficult to overcome. But when we decide not to contribute to these feelings, and when we begin to forgive, everything in our lives improves and over time we realize that we made a good decision. Hatred, bitterness and anger are emotions that do not give us anything good and can lead us to make bad decisions. 

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