10 Practical Things You Can Use Kitchen Roll For

To keep your fried foods crisp and absorb excess oil, place them on top of a few pieces of paper towel.
10 practical things you can use kitchen roll for

Most people have kitchen towels in their homes, but most only use them to wipe things up. You can also use it for many other things, such as absorbing excess fat from bacon.

Paper towel

However, its many uses do not stop here. If you want to know 10 of the practical things you can use kitchen roll for, read here.

Remove corn silk from flask

The small fibers that cover corn cobs are not easy to remove and can take a long time in most cases.

A simple piece of paper towel can help remove them without much effort in just a few seconds.

How? Moisten a piece of paper towel and rub it all over the corn. It’s that simple.

Oil bottles

After using a bottle of oil a few times, it will become greasy and cumbersome to hold on to.

To prevent this, wrap a piece of paper towel around the bottle and secure it with an elastic band around the neck of the bottle. This way, the oil will collect there and will not reach the rest of the bottle.

Skim the fat from the broth

Boullion soup

Chicken or beef broth often has a layer of extra fat floating on the surface.

To remove it, simply cover a sieve with a piece of paper towel and then sift the soup through it.

Avoid rust on cast iron pots

Cast iron pots and pans tend to rust easily when not treated properly.

It is very important to dry them well before storage, and as an additional measure, you can put a piece of paper towel between them.

Dry vegetables

Most vegetables need to be washed before they can be eaten.

The problem is that there is almost always a little excess moisture left on them after washing.

To quickly dry them, you can put two pieces of kitchen roll in a container or salad bowl. Then place the vegetables you want to dry in the bowl.

Test your seeds


Do you think your seeds may be too old to germinate? If you doubt that they will grow because they have been stored for too long, try the following trick:

  • Moisten two pieces of paper towel and put a few seeds in between the pieces so that they are covered.
  • Put them in a warm place and moisten them occasionally. If after two weeks they have not started to germinate, it is because they are no longer good.

Fresher bread

One trick to keeping bread fresher for longer is to wrap it in kitchen roll. It absorbs excess moisture, which helps prevent mold and further prolongs its shelf life.

Absorb moisture from brown sugar

Brown sugar tends to become dry and stiff if the bag is open for a long time.

If you notice this happening to your sugar, put it in a container with a lid with a piece of paper towel and the next day, they will see how it has returned to its original shape.

Fried food with less fat

fried food

One of the main characteristics of kitchen roll is the ability to absorb substances. When it comes to fats and oils, it is best to remove the excess.

If you want your fried food to stay crispy without too much oil, you can put a few pieces of kitchen roll on the plate and let the fried food lie on them for a few minutes to remove excess fat.

Keep vegetables fresh for longer

Are your vegetables starting to get bad really fast? To prevent this from happening, wrap them in a few pieces of paper towels before putting them in the fridge.

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